Liggett, Carr

Clarence Carr Liggett (CCL) was born in Pitcairn, Pennsylvania, July 1, 1894 to Ollie Ellsworth and Clara (young) Liggett. He entered Ohio University in 1912 and received his Bachelor of Arts degree in 1916. In 1916 he married Hazel Thomas (Class of 1918) and obtained a teaching position on the faculty of Lafayette College where he remained for two years. CCL then became the editor of the Chautauqua Daily in Chautauqua, New York. He entered the army and served in France as a Second Lieutenant. After his discharge from the army in 1919, the Liggetts established residence in Cleveland, Ohio, where CCL began his business career as an advertising manager with Norwood Sash and Door. He was then briefly associated with Brett Associates of Cleveland. In 1920 began his association with the Krichbaum-Liggett Company, ending in 1933 with the creation of Carr Liggett Advertising. CCL remained President of this firm until 1954, at which time he stepped down to become Chairman of the Board. CCL belonged to numerous other organizations including the National Amateur Press Association, National Industrial Advertising Association, Industrial Marketers of Cleveland, YMCA, the Cleveland Ad Club, Delta Tau Delta, and he served as National President of the Ohio University Alumni Association. He was the recipient of several awards noting his many contributions to his university. A man of unusual musical and literary versatility, he has 75 musical compositions to his credit, plus several small volumes of verse and five plays. CCL died in 1977. He was survived by his wife, a daughter and four grandchildren.

From the guide to the Carr Liggett papers, 1915-1976, (Ohio University)

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