McCain, John S. (John Sidney), 1911-1981

Biographical Chronology

1884 August 9 Born, Carroll County, Mississippi 1901 1902 Student, University of Mississippi 1906 Graduate, U.S. Naval Academy, Commander, ensign, U.S. Navy 1920 Graduate, Naval War College 1935 1936 Flight instructor (naval aviator), Naval Air Station, Pensacola, Florida 1937 1939 Commanded the aircraft carrier Ranger (CV-4) 1939 Served as Commander of Air Forces for Western Sea Frontier and the South Pacific Force 1941 Promoted through grades to Rear Admiral 1943 July Promoted to Vice Admiral 1942 September 1943 July Chief, Bureau of Aeronautics 1943 July Deputy Chief, naval operations for air, Commander, Carrier Task Force 1943 August Rose to the rank of Vice Admiral as Deputy Chief of Naval Operations 1944 Returned to the Pacific Theater as Commander of the Fast Carrier Task Force Earned the Navy Cross 1945 Awarded the Distinguished Service Medal with two Gold Stars for outstanding performance as an air planner and carrier task force commander and awarded the Navy Cross for gallantry 1945 September 2 Witnessed the Japanese surrender on board U.S.S. Missouri 1945 September 6 Died, Carrollton, Mississippi Posthumously appointed Admiral effective that date

From the guide to the John Sidney McCain Papers, 1933-1945, (Hoover Institution Archives)

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