Christ Church Christiana Hundred (Greenville, Del.)

Christ Church Christiana Hundred is an Episcopal church in Greenville, Delaware. It was founded in 1848 with the help of the du Pont family and Reverend Samuel Brincklé of the Episcopal Diocese of Delaware. For many years Christ Church served as a church for the du Pont family and their employees, but now serves a larger community.

In 1848, Alfred Lee, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Delaware, appointed Reverend Samuel Brincklé a missionary for New Castle County. As part of his missionary work, Rev. Brincklé preached on Sundays at the du Pont's Brandywine Manufacturer's Sunday School on the grounds of the Brandywine Gunpowder Works and during this time worked with the du Pont's to establish their own Episcopal Parish. In 1848 the corner stone was laid for Christ Church adjacent to the powder mills in Christiana Hundred and on May 4, 1856, Bishop Lee performed the first service at the church.


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