Viking Press.

Huebsch was vice president and chief editor at Viking Press in New York City. Viking became the publisher of Franz Werfel's works in English translation around 1935. Griesser was at Viking Press and wrote on Huebsch's behalf. Medinz was in the copyright dept. at Viking. McClure, Allen and Bradette all wrote letters to Viking Press concerning Werfel's novel The Song of Bernadette: McClure wrote a fan letter with a question that Huebsch forwarded to Werfel; Allen was requesting permission for use of some material drawn from the book; and Bradette, who was a representative in the Canadian House of Commons, had criticisms related to the translation. Sister Saint Augustine was a teacher at Mount Saint Mary Academy School; Heubsch addressed a letter to her concerning her school's plan to produce a dramatization of The Song of Bernadette. Fox was a scholar working on Werfel.

From the description of Correspondence with Alma Mahler, Franz Werfel, and Adolf Klarmann, 1936-1971. (University of Pennsylvania Library). WorldCat record id: 155864707