Rosin, Arnold, 1920-

Arnold Rosin was born in New Haven, Connecticut, in 1920. He studied painting and the history of art at the Yale University School of Art. During World War II, Rosin served in the Ninth Air Force in Europe as an intelligence officer and interpreter. In 1949 he returned to France, entered the Atelier Fernand Léger in Montmartre, and settled permanently in Paris. He participated in a number of exhibitions, including the Salon de Mai in 1952. His paintings are in private collections in the United States, England, France, Switzerland, and Italy. In addition to painting and translating, Rosin worked for UNESCO, the Council of Europe, Time-Life, Le Monde, and La Vie Française . For a time he was assistant to the European head of the International Refugee Committee. During the past decade he has concentrated on writing and painting.

From the guide to the Arnold Rosin papers, 1937-2011, (Manuscripts and Archives)


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