Mainzer, Gertrud

Hugo Sinzheimer (1875-1945) was born in Worms. He studied law in Berlin, Freiburg, Marburg und Halle, and he completed his dissertation in 1898 at the University of Heidelberg. He was among the founders of the field of labor law, and helped shape modern labor law as a member of the Weimar National Assembly. He was a professor at the University of Frankfurt from 1920 until April 1933, when he fled to the Netherlands. There, he obtained positions at the Universities of Amsterdam and Leiden. Sinzheimer died suddenly in September 1945, after having survived the war in hiding. His daughter Gertrud Mainzer survived Bergen-Belsen and after the war immigrated to New York, where she became a noted family court judge.

From the guide to the Hugo Sinzheimer Collection, undated, 1893-2010, bulk 1895-1939, (Leo Baeck Institute)

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