Solnit, Albert J.

Albert J. Solnit was born on August 26, 1919, in Los Angeles, California. He completed his undergraduate education and medical training at the University of California, Berkeley and served as a psychiatrist in the U. S. Army Air Forces before coming to Yale University in 1948. In 1960, he was named professor of pediatrics and psychiatry. Solnit served as director of the Child Study Center (1966-1983) and was a tireless advocate for the needs of children. He chaired the Connecticut Advisory Council on Children and Youth Services and was commissioner of the Connecticut State Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (1991-2000). He served as managing editor of "The Psychoanalytic Study of the Child" and wrote important books on family law and psychology and child custody and placement issues. Solnit died as the result of a car accident on June 21, 2002.

From the guide to the Albert J. Solnit papers, 1952-2001, (Manuscripts and Archives)


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