Onat? s? 'kyi, I? E? vhen, 1894-

An author and college professor active in the Ukrainian community, Evhen Onatsky (1894- ) was born in Hlukhov, Ukraine. After completing his education at Kiev University he was elected to the Ukrainian Central Rada and was a member of the Ukrainian Presidium. In 1918 he became librarian of the Kiev Municipal Museum and continued scientific research. In 1919 he was a member of the Ukrainian delegation to the Paris Peace Conference and, later, with the Ukrainian diplomatic service in Italy. In 1923, the Russians conquered Ukraine, and Onatzky taught at the University of Rome until 1943, when he was arrested by the Gestapo. He was released in 1945 and reunited with his wife and family in Italy, where he took charge of the Ukrainian-American Relief Committee in Rome. He also worked on his Encyclopedia of Ukrainian symbols, beliefs, customs, and traditions, as well as other publications. In March, 1947, he immigrated to Argentina, where he continued his research in Ukrainian cultural heritage.

From the guide to the Evhen Onatsky Papers, 1918-1969, (University of Minnesota Libraries. Immigration History Research Center [ihrc])

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