Dallas County NOW

Founded in 1972, the Dallas County Chapter of the National Organization for Women (Dallas County NOW) sought out equal rights for women in all aspects of public life, including employment, education, and legislation, by promoting freedom from discrimination due to marital status, parenthood, sexuality, and other factors. Some of the activities of the chapter’s taskforces and committees focused on reforming the image of women in the media; the concerns of divorced women and single mothers; state education and sexism in textbooks; the Equal Rights Amendment and its opposition; and issues concerning criminal justice and rape. Dallas County NOW also worked with other Dallas-area organizations to promote women’s rights and developed the Dallas’s Women Week, a series of events and panels discussing legal rights and other issues.

From the guide to the National Organization for Women, Dallas County Chapter Records 86-099., 1972-1983, (Dolph Briscoe Center for American History, The University of Texas at Austin)


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