Dorothy Hill (b. 10 September 1907, Taringa, Queensland, Australia–d. 23 April 1997) was an Australian geologist and palaeontologist. Hill attended the University of Queensland and earned a degree in geology, 1928 while studying under Professor Henry Caselli Richards. She studied for her PhD at the University of Cambridge (England) under Gertrude Elles. She started her academic career as a lecturer at the University of Queensland in 1946 and eventually became the first female professor in Australia. During World War II, Hill enlisted in the Women's Royal Australian Naval Service. Hill was the President of the Royal Society of Queensland (1947), Chairman of the Geological Society of Australia, Queensland Division (1952), the first female fellow of the Australian Academy of Science (1956), formed the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists (1968), and was the first woman President of the Professorial Board of the University of Queensland (1971).
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