Washington State Grange

In September, 1889, Washington State farmers organized the Washington State Grange. They saw the Grange as a means of fraternal cooperation in the promotion of agricultural interests, and as a method of providing education and recreation for their families. The Grange was also a vehicle for increasing the public's awareness of farmers' issues and for winning legislation to ease farmers' problems associated with the high cost of goods and services, and the low prices received for commodities. The Grange in later years became one of the principal general farmers' organizations, and as such has since functioned as a public and legislative spokeman for agricultural interests. The Grange also takes public positions of advocacy or opposition on a variety of issues such as general economic policy, transportation, and public works projects.

From the guide to the Washington State Grange Papers, 1889-1953, (Washington State University Libraries Manuscripts, Archives, and Special Collections (MASC))


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