Upper Midwest Women's History Center.

The Upper Midwest Women’s History Center (UMWHC) was founded by Gretchen Kreuter, Marjorie Wall Bingham, and Susan Hill Gross as a project of the Minnesota-based nonprofit organization, Women Historians of the Midwest (WHOM). It was started in 1980 with grant funding from Title IX of the Women's Educational Equity Act (WEEA) and was originally called the Upper Midwest Women’s History Center for Teachers. The UMWHC was founded as a teacher-training center and originally organized as a regional center. It primarily served educators in a six state area by giving support to teachers to help transform history curriculum from a male-centered view to one that fully included the experience of women.

Original staff of the UMWHC was made up of historian Kathleen O’Brien, elementary school teacher Shiela C. Robertson, librarian K.G. Woods, and administrative assistant Deborah Bauer. Eileen Soderberg was administrative assistant from 1982-1993. Susan Gross was named executive director and continued in that position throughout the 20 years of the Center’s operations.


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