Whitebird, J.

Joanie Whitebird was a writer, editor, publisher, and founder of Wings Press, San Antonio book publisher.

Whitebird played a significant role in the formation of both COSMEP (Committee of Small Magazine Editors and Publishers) and Travois, the first multicultural anthology of Texas poetry. As an editor, Whitehead founded Wings Press in 1975 with Joseph F. Lomax, editor and publisher. Upon Lomax's death, Whitebird took over publishing duties as well. Wings Press primarily published collections of poetry, along with some works of music, fiction, and history. In 1993, Whitebird designed and published Working the Stone, a collection of poetry by Bryce Milligan. Two years later, with her health in decline, Whitebird sold the press to Milligan. She died in 2000. Wings Press holds an annual poetry competition in her honor, the Whitebird Chapbook Series.


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