New York (State). Board of Health

Chapter 322 of the Laws of 1880 directed the State Board of Health to make an annual report containing a detailed statement from the comptroller of all monies paid out by or on account of the board and a detailed statement of the manner of its expenditure during the previous year.

The law required the board to meet "at least once in every three months" and provided that members of the board, with the exception of its secretary, be unpaid but that "actual traveling and other expenses of the members and officers be allowed and paid out of the appropriation made for its support." The law stated that the board could "examine nuisances or questions affecting the security of life and health of any locality..." and could "engage suitable persons to render sanitary service and to make or supervise practical and scientific investigations and examinations requiring expert skill..." Expenses of such services were limited by the law, as were the board's total expenditures.


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