Catholic Church. Congregatio Visitationis Apostolicae

In order to understand the significance of this institution, it is necessary to recall the specific duty that every bishop had to visit his own diocese personally or to send a delegate. The visit was supposed to assure the bishop of the exact observance of ecclesiastical discipline (Council of Terragon, 1234). Nicholas V (1452) realizing that these visits were losing their character and usefulness, required periodic visitations to make them more effective. The need was also emphasized in the reforms of the Council of Trent (sess. 24, cap. 3, de reform., Nov. 11, 1563).

It is stated in the life of Gregory XIII that he wished to visit all the dioceses of Christianity, especially those in Italy. For this purpose the pontiff established (1572) a special commission of cardinals to study the difficulties that might stand in the way. The actual institution of the Congregazione della Sagra Visita Apostolica di Roma e Suo Distretto was, however, due to the zeal of Clement VIII. With the constitution Speculatores domus Israel (June 8, 1592) he established a special congregation of cardinals to implement and maintain this work.


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