Dapples, Edward C.

Edward C. Dapples was born December 13, 1906, in Chicago, Illinois, the son of Edward C. and Victoria (Gazzolo) Dapples. He received his B.S. (1928) and M.S. (1934) degrees from Northwestern University. He studied at Harvard (M.A., 1935) and the University of Wisconsin (Ph.D., 1938).

After completing his undergraduate work at Northwestern, Dapples was employed for several years by the Truax-Traer and Zeigler coal companies as a geologist and mine supervisor. In 1936, he became an instructor at Northwestern University, assistant professor in 1941, associate professor in 1942, and professor of geological sciences in 1950. During these years Dapples also acted as a geological consultant for the Sinclair, Pure, Buffalo, and Forest oil corporations. From 1960 to 1961, he was senior visiting scientist at the University of Lausanne. In 1970, Dapples was visiting professor at the University of Geneva.


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