Administrative Information Technology Services Office

A central organization to deal with the computerized data processing need of the University of Illinois has been in existence since July 1, 1968. When the Statistical Service Unit was renamed the Office of Administrative Data Processing, the office was divided into a University office, and campus offices for Urbana-Champaign, Chicago Circle and Medical Center. The University Office was concerned with university-wide policies and procedures relative to methodology in information processing, development of program statements for university-wide data processing systems, and standards and procedures for the utilization of data processing services. Each campus office was responsible for campus-level and was responsible to the director of the university office. The University Office reported to the Vice-President for Administration. 1 In 1976, the Office of Administrative Data Processing was renamed to the Office of Administrative Information Systems and Services. 2 On August 21, 1985 the administrative computing units of each campus were combined with the university administrative units. The office was divided into five primary areas of responsibility: System Development, Information Management Services, Administrative Computing Network, Telecommunications, and Office Systems. The organization reported to the Vice-President for Business and Finance. 3 By 1988 the organization had again reorganized so that there were four major areas of responsibility: Systems Development, Telecommunications, Information Management Services, and Administrative Computer Center. 4

1. Board of Trustees Transactions, 55th Report, July 24, 1968, pp. 11-12.


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2016-08-10 02:08:33 pm

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2016-08-10 02:08:33 pm

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