House of Representatives Papers. 1900 - 1974. Constituent Case Files. 1938-1948.
House of Representatives Papers. 1900 - 1974. Constituent Case Files
This series consists of case mail or constituent service mail. Congressman Lyndon B. Johnson's case mail was comprised of individual case files containing constituents' requests for services from Federal agencies or Texas State agencies, general files containing copies of agency regulations, forms, and issuances, and constituent correspondence relating to information about agencies. These agencies include the Bureau of the Budget, Bureau of the Census, the military academies including West Point and the Naval Academy at Annapolis, the Departments of Justice, State, Interior and Treasury, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), Federal Housing Administration (FHA), the General Accounting Office (GAO), Civilian Production Administration (CPA), Office of Price Administration (OPA), the Rural Electrification Administration (REA), Women's Army Corp (WAC), the War Department, and Women's Auxiliary Ferrying Squadron (WAFS), the Surplus War Property Administration, and the War Assets Administration.
The files also include correspondence related to the American Legion, the Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA), and the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration.
This series includes reports, contracts, lists, memorandums, telegrams, and letters which cover topics that include agriculture, appointments, civil service, commerce, conservation, hospitals, immigration, labor, the meat industry, old age, universities and colleges, veterans, war, and welfare.
The files include correspondence between Johnson and Paul Bolton, George and Herman Brown, Howard E. Butt, John B. Connally, J. J. "Jake" Pickle, Sid Richardson, Max Starcke, Alvin J. Wirtz, and many others..
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