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Information: The first column shows data points from Augustana Lutheran Church Women in red. The third column shows data points from Augustana Lutheran Church in blue. Any data they share in common is displayed as purple boxes in the middle "Shared" column.
Name Entries
Augustana Lutheran Church Women
Augustana Lutheran Church
Augustana Lutheran Church Women
Name Components
Name :
Augustana Lutheran Church Women
- Name Entry
- Augustana Lutheran Church Women
- Name Entry
- Augustana Lutheran Church Women
"contributor": "WorldCat",
"form": "authorizedForm"
"contributor": "LC",
"form": "authorizedForm"
Contributors from initial SNAC EAC-CPF ingest
Augustana Lutheran Church
Name Components
Name :
Augustana Lutheran Church
- Name Entry
- Augustana Lutheran Church
- Name Entry
- Augustana Lutheran Church
"contributor": "WorldCat",
"form": "authorizedForm"
Contributors from initial SNAC EAC-CPF ingest
- Exist Dates
- Exist Dates
See AUG Administrative History, AUG 40/8/1/1/1 Background.
See AUG 40 Administrative History, AUG 40/8/1/1/1 Background.
See AUG 40 Administrative History.
See AUG 40 Administrative History.
A principal objective of the Women's Missionary Society/Augustana Lutheran Church Women (WMS/ALCW) was to educate people about mission-related topics, and the mission work of the church. At first this was accomplished through publishing educational material in two society publications: Calendar and Mission Tidings. In addition to monthly educational programs that appeared in Mission Tidings, there were other programs created for departmental work. In 1931 these programs and other helps began to appear as printed pamphlets. Starting in 1937 educational materials associated with missionary education topics and published for children, young women, and senior women began appearing as program packets produced for each society.
In June 1947 the Woman's Mission Board voted to change the name of the committee to Committee on Missionary Education. The committee was responsible for all aspects of the development of missionary education material from selecting subjects and reviewing manuscripts to promoting the sale of material. In its later years, an increased work load necessitated the formation of subcommittees responsible for the creation of program material for specific age groups. When the ALCW was created in 1958, a new functional committee was created that replaced the Committee on Missionary Education. It was called the Education Committee, but its duties remained essentially the same.
See also AUG 40 Administrative History.
The Quarterly Release was a publication designed for use by local Women's Missionary Society/Augustana Lutheran Church Women officers, and division and department workers. This publication contained important directives and needed information for those working at the local level of the WMS/ALCW. Dolores Runbeck, WMS Director of Promotion, was in charge of the publication. It was an eight-page pamphlet published four times per year beginning in September 1957. As a result of the new publication, bulletins that had been mailed to Teen-Age and Children's leaders were discontinued. This change occurred because with the publication of The Quarterly Release, division leaders, including those for Teen-Age and Children's societies, would receive information regularly. Two issues each year would contain information and directives for Department chairpersons. Included in each issue was a message to local presidents, information on new resources available, suggestions for division leaders and department chairpersons, sections on membership, service, and education, news about the mission periodicals Mission Tidings and Lutheran Women's World, and a page for leaders of Children's and Teen-Age divisions. The last issue was published in November 1962.
See also AUG 40 Administrative History.
The constitution adopted at the Woman's Missionary Society's (WMS) first convention in 1893 provided for an administrative body to oversee business matters between conventions. This Executive Committee comprised five members who were elected annually and met monthly. It expanded to include, in addition to the society's national officers, department secretaries who were responsible for promoting the work of the society's various departments, and conference society presidents. In 1918 the name of the committee changed to Woman's Mission Board (WMB), and the society's elected officers became the board's Executive Committee, whose role it was to conduct the business of the society between WMB meetings. In the 1940s the frequency of regular WMB meetings changed from monthly to twice per year, and later three times per year. The Executive Committee met on a more frequent basis between the meetings of the WMB. In 1949 the name of the board changed to Executive Board. When the society underwent a significant reorganization in 1958, a Board of Directors took the place of the Executive Board and coordinated the work of the newly created Augustana Lutheran Church Women (ALCW) with that of the church-at-large.
See also AUG 40 Administrative History.
The constitution adopted at the Woman's Missionary Society's (WMS) first convention in 1893 provided for an administrative body to oversee business matters between conventions. This Executive Committee comprised five members who were elected annually and met monthly. It expanded to include, in addition to the society's national officers, department secretaries who were responsible for promoting the work of the society's various departments, and conference society presidents. In 1918 the name of the committee changed to Woman's Mission Board (WMB), and the society's elected officers became the board's Executive Committee, whose role it was to conduct the business of the society between WMB meetings. In the 1940s the frequency of regular WMB meetings changed from monthly to twice per year, and later three times per year. The Executive Committee met on a more frequent basis between the meetings of the WMB. In 1949 the name of the board changed to Executive Board. When the society underwent a significant reorganization in 1958, a Board of Directors took the place of the Executive Board and coordinated the work of the newly created Augustana Lutheran Church Women (ALCW) with that of the church-at-large.
See also AUG 40 Administrative History.
The constitution adopted at the Woman's Missionary Society's (WMS) first convention in 1893 provided for an administrative body to oversee business matters between conventions. This Executive Committee comprised five members who were elected annually and met monthly. It expanded to include, in addition to the society's national officers, department secretaries who were responsible for promoting the work of the society's various departments, and conference society presidents. In 1918 the name of the committee changed to Woman's Mission Board (WMB), and the society's elected officers became the board's Executive Committee, whose role it was to conduct the business of the society between WMB meetings. In the 1940s the frequency of regular WMB meetings changed from monthly to twice per year, and later three times per year. The Executive Committee met on a more frequent basis between the meetings of the WMB. In 1949 the name of the board changed to Executive Board. When the society underwent a significant reorganization in 1958, a Board of Directors took the place of the Executive Board and coordinated the work of the newly created Augustana Lutheran Church Women (ALCW) with that of the church-at-large.
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Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church : Augustana Lutheran Church Women. Constitution and By-Laws, 1926-1956, 1941-1956 [microform].
Constitution and By-Laws, 1926-1956, 1941-1956 [microform].
This series contains constitutions and bylaws of the Women's Missionary Society/Augustana Lutheran Church Women (WMS/ALCW). The records comprise printed booklets containing either ratified or proposed constitution and bylaws, and typewritten copies of constitutions. These records are from approximately 1926 -1958. They include constitutions for synodical, conference, district, and local level societies in addition to constitutions for the Young Woman's Missionary Society, and the Junior Missionary Society. Dated constitutions exist for 1926, 1941, 1944, 1949, 1951, 1952, and 1956. The other constitutions in this series are undated. Gaps in these records may or may not exist depending on when the undated constitutions were adopted. In addition to the adopted constitutions, there are several proposed constitutions and constitutions marked with revisions. In particular there are proposed constitutions for women's organizations under the "Unified Plan." This refers to the movement in the 1950s within the Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church to unify all women's organizations at the congregational level into one organization. These proposed constitutions address that new type of organization. Duplicates were removed.
ArchivalResource: 1 microfilm reel ; 35 mm. View
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- Resource Relation
- Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church : Augustana Lutheran Church Women. Constitution and By-Laws, 1926-1956, 1941-1956 [microform].
Augustana Lutheran Church Women. Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church : Augustana Lutheran Church Women. Minutes, 1892-1893, 1918-1946.
Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church : Augustana Lutheran Church Women. Minutes, 1892-1893, 1918-1946.
The proceedings from annual conventions of the Women's Missionary Society/Augustana Lutheran Church Women (WMS/ALCW) comprise the records in this series. They are primarily printed material in the form of published minutes and are from the initial organizing meeting in 1892, the first convention in 1893, and conventions from 1909 and 1918-1946. These convention proceedings were generated to present summary and progress reports for the previous year's work and to record what matters were discussed and what decisions were made at the convention. There are significant gaps in the records. Proceedings from 1894-1905 are not available in this collection. They are available in AUG 1/1 as supplements at the end of each set of minutes from Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church conventions. Conventions occurring from 1906-1917 and 1947-1958 have published proceedings in the WMS/ALCW publication Mission Tidings and are in AUG 40/8/3/2. Box 1 contains two bound copies of the first issue of the publication Calendar which has the proceedings from 1892 and 1893. The other bound copy and the three bound volumes contain minutes from 1909 and 1918-1946. These records were originally supplements found at the back of each year's convention minutes for the Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church, and at some point the minutes from 1918-1946 were separated and bound into volumes. These minutes typically include a president's report, officer's reports, committee reports, executive committee reports, resolutions considered and adopted, and a listing of delegates and officers present. They are written in Swedish and English. Earlier minutes are written almost entirely in Swedish, but more English is incorporated into individual reports over time. Starting with 1923 minutes, the entire record of proceedings is printed in English. In later years, these minutes become more abbreviated with the entire text of most reports omitted or reduced to a summary. Box 2 contains typewritten and handwritten convention minutes from 1932-1936. They are not a complete record of the proceedings and may have been used in creating the complete record that appears elsewhere. It is recommended to use these only as a supplement to the records available in Box 1 and convention issues of Mission Tidings (AUG 40/8/3/2). Also included with these records are minutes from pre-convention Woman's Mission Board meetings for 1933-1936, but it appears these are also available in AUG 40/5/1 Executive Board Minutes. See also AUG 40/4/2 for other convention materials. Records are arranged chronologically.
ArchivalResource: 2 boxes. View
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- Resource Relation
- Augustana Lutheran Church Women. Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church : Augustana Lutheran Church Women. Minutes, 1892-1893, 1918-1946.
Augustana Lutheran Church Women. Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church : Augustana Lutheran Church Women. Convention Material, 1895, 1906-1960.
Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church : Augustana Lutheran Church Women. Convention Material, 1895, 1906-1960.
The records in this series comprise convention materials from Women's Missionary Society/Augustana Lutheran Church Women (WMS/ALCW) general conventions from 1895 and 1906-1960. The WMS/ALCW met at these conventions to elect officers, receive progress reports of the society's work, plan projects and programs for the coming year, revise and amend the constitution if needed, and take care of any other business matters needing the attention of the full society. The WMS/ALCW had annual conventions until 1956 when it switched to meeting biennially. The majority of the records are convention programs. These printed booklets list sessions, services, and other events occurring during the convention. Some of the early years' programs are written in Swedish. Over the years programs expanded to include the names of officers, executive committee members, standing committees' members, and convention delegates. The kinds of lists vary from year to year. Also included for certain years are convention pamphlets with resolutions for consideration, individual officer reports, new programs of work, In Memoriam tributes, and additional events taking place during the convention. Records for later convention years also include material supplied to delegates as part of their convention packets and material, including some correspondence, pertaining to WMS/ALCW convention planning and preparation. Not every convention is represented in this series. The following years have no convention information available in this series: 1893, 1894, 1896-1905, 1909-1910, and 1944. There is a bound volume in box 2 that contains convention programs for 1906-1907, 1914-1920, 1926-1934, 1936-1938, and 1943. Convention information, other than minutes, pertaining to 1909-1910, and 1944 is found in the WMS/ALCW publication Mission Tidings, AUG 40/8/3/2. The convention program for 1927 contains a misprint. It should read the 36th Annual Convention. In 1945 the War Committee denied the WMS a permit to hold its annual convention. As an alternative it held an inspirational meeting on June 6-8, in Rock Island and Moline, Illinois. In 1950 the name of the society changed to Women's Missionary Society. The 1960 convention program makes reference to being the second biennial convention, but in actuality it was the third. Records are arranged chronologically. For convention proceedings, see AUG 40/4/1.
ArchivalResource: 2 boxes. View
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- Augustana Lutheran Church Women. Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church : Augustana Lutheran Church Women. Convention Material, 1895, 1906-1960.
Augustana Lutheran Church Women. Cash Books, 1893-1897, 1902-1906.
Cash Books, 1893-1897, 1902-1906.
Two leather-bound cash books recording Women's Missionary Society (WMS) income and expenditures are the records that comprise this series. These records were generated by the treasurer of the WMS and reflect the income generated by contributions from various groups and individuals, expenses for mission projects, and general expenses incurred during the regular course of business. The first cash book contains handwritten entries for 1893-1897, and the second cash book contains handwritten entries for 1902-1906. The gap in the records from 1898-1901 cannot be accounted for. The cash book containing entries for 1893-1897 is written in Swedish. It contains entries listed under "Inkomster" (income), and entries listed under "Utgifter" (expenses). Contributions from individuals and congregational groups were recorded as income. Expenses were amounts provided to particular mission projects and costs incurred for business expenses. The treasurer kept separate tallies of income and expenses until May 31 each year when the fiscal year ended. The total amount for expenses was then subtracted from the total amount of income and the remaining balance of cash on hand would be carried over as income for the next fiscal year. The second cash book contains entries for 1902-1906 written in English and in addition to income and expense listings, contains balances for funds labeled "hospital," "home missions," "foreign missions," and "Puerto Rico." Starting in May 1904 there is a separate entry page for expenditures. At the end of a fiscal year, it appears the expenditures were subtracted from the total of new income and existing fund balances. The remaining amount was then put back into the fund balances for the next fiscal year. The records are arranged chronologically. Additional financial information is available in AUG 40/7/2, ALCW General Treasurer Ledger, for Augustana Lutheran Church Women (ALCW) from 1959-1962.
ArchivalResource: 1 box. View
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- Resource Relation
- Augustana Lutheran Church Women. Cash Books, 1893-1897, 1902-1906.
Augustana Lutheran Church Women. Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church : Augustana Lutheran Church Women. Corporation Documents, 1899, 1944, 1949, 1958.
Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church : Augustana Lutheran Church Women. Corporation Documents, 1899, 1944, 1949, 1958.
This series consists of corporation documents for the Women's Missionary Society/Augustana Lutheran Church Women. They are from 1899-1958 with the bulk of the material from 1944, 1949, and 1958. This series includes articles of incorporation, certificates of amendment, and printed copies of the text of the articles of incorporation and bylaws. The records contain the original certificate of incorporation from 1899. They also include certificates of amendments reflecting changes to the articles of incorporation. These changes occurred in 1944 when the society added 3939 Pine Grove, Chicago, Illinois, as its principal address, in 1949 when it changed its name from Woman's Missionary Society to Women's Missionary Society, and in 1958 when it changed its name to Augustana Lutheran Church Women and made revisions to the purpose statement found in the articles of incorporation. Care should be taken with the 1899 incorporation document. It at one time had a seal and ribbon affixed, but they are now partially torn.
ArchivalResource: 1 box. View
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- Resource Relation
- Augustana Lutheran Church Women. Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church : Augustana Lutheran Church Women. Corporation Documents, 1899, 1944, 1949, 1958.
Augustana Lutheran Church Women. Women, 1931-1962.
Women, 1931-1962.
This series contains printed educational material created by the Committee on Missionary Education for the women's societies and business women's societies within the WMS/ALCW from 1931-1962. This material was compiled into program packets for each year containing a pamphlet or booklet with meeting programs with suggested topics, devotions, and hymns for each meeting; promotional pamphlets and leaflets pertaining to different aspects of the WMS/ALCW; material about particular mission fields and projects; and material related to specific departments. Packets from the 1950s and 1960s contain additional promotional material in the form of product lists for films and books, order forms, and printed catalogs. Packets are missing for 1933, 1935-1937, and 1946-1948. There are no packets prior to 1931 because program material had yet to appear in pamphlet form. Oversized maps, charts, and other material were removed from the packets and placed into oversized folders stored flat in the map case. Series folders from which these items were removed have a notation to this effect. Records are arranged chronologically. Duplicate material was removed.
ArchivalResource: 4 boxes. View
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- Resource Relation
- Augustana Lutheran Church Women. Women, 1931-1962.
Augustana Lutheran Church Women. Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church : Augustana Lutheran Church Women. Corporation Documents, 1899, 1944, 1949, 1958 [microform].
Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church : Augustana Lutheran Church Women. Corporation Documents, 1899, 1944, 1949, 1958 [microform].
This series consists of corporation documents for the Women's Missionary Society/Augustana Lutheran Church Women. They are from 1899-1958 with the bulk of the material from 1944, 1949, and 1958. This series includes articles of incorporation, certificates of amendment, and printed copies of the text of the articles of incorporation and bylaws. The records contain the original certificate of incorporation from 1899. They also include certificates of amendments reflecting changes to the articles of incorporation. These changes occurred in 1944 when the society added 3939 Pine Grove, Chicago, Illinois, as its principal address, in 1949 when it changed its name from Woman's Missionary Society to Women's Missionary Society, and in 1958 when it changed its name to Augustana Lutheran Church Women and made revisions to the purpose statement found in the articles of incorporation. Care should be taken with the 1899 incorporation document. It at one time had a seal and ribbon affixed, but they are now partially torn.
ArchivalResource: 1 microfilm reel ; 35 mm. View
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- Resource Relation
- Augustana Lutheran Church Women. Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church : Augustana Lutheran Church Women. Corporation Documents, 1899, 1944, 1949, 1958 [microform].
Augustana Lutheran Church Women. Miscellaneous Publications, 1941-1962.
Miscellaneous Publications, 1941-1962.
The material contained in this series consists of a sampling of miscellaneous publications created by the Women's Missionary Society/Augustana Lutheran Church Women (WMS/ALCW) and used in its program packets and for other promotional uses. Items range in date from 1941-1962 and include program booklets, promotional pamphlets, maps, and charts. Many of these items are also found in the program packets series elsewhere in this collection. Examples of topics included in this material are the ALCW reorganization, Bible studies, publication catalogs, material pertaining to foreign mission fields in which Augustana worked, WMS/ALCW periodicals, social missions, stewardship, fund-raising campaigns, and spiritual retreats. This series is not a representative sampling of WMS/ALCW publications. It appears to be an assortment of items collected by staff at the offices of the Lutheran Church in America's Lutheran Church Women. Some larger maps, charts, pictures, and posters were removed and placed in an oversized folder. A notation to that effect is on folders from which materials were removed.
ArchivalResource: 3 boxes. View
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- Augustana Lutheran Church Women. Miscellaneous Publications, 1941-1962.
Augustana Lutheran Church Women. Young Women, 1931, 1935, 1940-1948, 1951.
Young Women, 1931, 1935, 1940-1948, 1951.
The records in this series are program packets published by the Committee on Missionary Education of the Women's Missionary Society/Augustana Lutheran Church Women (WMS/ALCW), designed for use by Young Women's Missionary Societies of the Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church. There are printed materials from 1931-1951 that include pamphlets, booklets, leaflets, and typewritten looseleaf informational sheets. The contents of these particular programs packets are similar to the program packets for the regular women's missionary societies. The differences appear to be in the subject matter for monthly meetings and programs. Additional material in the young women's packets includes prayer calendars, prayer reminders, copies of WMS/ALCW constitutions, and annual reports from mission fields. As with the other program packet series, contents vary yearly, and there are some years missing from this series. There are no packets for 1932-1934, 1936-1939, 1949-1950. Duplicates were removed. Records are arranged chronologically.
ArchivalResource: 1 box. View
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- Resource Relation
- Augustana Lutheran Church Women. Young Women, 1931, 1935, 1940-1948, 1951.
Augustana Lutheran Church Women. Financial Records, 1924-1962 [1924-1941].
Financial Records, 1924-1962 [1924-1941].
This series consists of a small amount of financial material from 1924-1962, with the majority from 1924-1941. Most of the records were generated through the development of the Women's Missionary Society/Augustana Lutheran Church Women (WMS/ALCW) Headquarters and Mission Home, 3939 Pine Grove, Chicago, Illinois, and the creation of the WMS/ALCW Annuity Department. Material in this series consists of handwritten and typewritten reports, correspondence, receipts, and bills for payment. There are also principal notes and interest coupons for financing obtained to purchase the property at 3939 Pine Grove, Chicago, Illinois. The bulk of the material in this series pertains to the property at 3939 Pine Grove, Chicago, Illinois, and the remodeling of the home located on it into the WMS/ALCW headquarters and a home for furloughed missionaries. Included in these records are bills from contractors, invoices and receipts for furniture and other supplies purchased by the WMS/ALCW for the property, and original copies of principal notes and interest coupon notes for the property. In addition to this material, this series also contains an ALCW audit conducted by the accounting firm Randall, Emery, Campbell & Parker, Spokane, Washington, for the ten-month period ending December 31, 1962. A small amount of material pertaining to the development of the WMS/ALCW Annuity Department includes a brief history of its creation, excerpts from reports, correspondence pertaining to development of the department and the purchasing of annuities, and samples of certificates and promotional literature. Records are arranged alphabetically.
ArchivalResource: 1 box. View
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- Augustana Lutheran Church Women. Financial Records, 1924-1962 [1924-1941].
Augustana Lutheran Church Women. Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church [microform] : Augustana Lutheran Church Women. Constitution and By-Laws, 1926-1956, 1941-1956.
Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church [microform] : Augustana Lutheran Church Women. Constitution and By-Laws, 1926-1956, 1941-1956.
This series contains constitutions and bylaws of the Women's Missionary Society/Augustana Lutheran Church Women (WMS/ALCW). The records comprise printed booklets containing either ratified or proposed constitution and bylaws, and typewritten copies of constitutions. These records are from approximately 1926 -1958. They include constitutions for synodical, conference, district, and local level societies in addition to constitutions for the Young Woman's Missionary Society, and the Junior Missionary Society. Dated constitutions exist for 1926, 1941, 1944, 1949, 1951, 1952, and 1956. The other constitutions in this series are undated. Gaps in these records may or may not exist depending on when the undated constitutions were adopted. In addition to the adopted constitutions, there are several proposed constitutions and constitutions marked with revisions. In particular there are proposed constitutions for women's organizations under the "Unified Plan." This refers to the movement in the 1950s within the Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church to unify all women's organizations at the congregational level into one organization. These proposed constitutions address that new type of organization. Duplicates were removed.
ArchivalResource: 1 microfilm reel ; 35 mm. View
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- Resource Relation
- Augustana Lutheran Church Women. Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church [microform] : Augustana Lutheran Church Women. Constitution and By-Laws, 1926-1956, 1941-1956.
Augustana Lutheran Church Women. Church School, 1940-1963.
Church School, 1940-1963.
This series consists of program packets created from 1940-1963 by the Committee on Missionary Education of the Women's Missionary Society/Augustana Lutheran Church Women and used for Mission Sundays in Sunday Church School by children ages 3-14. These program packets are similar to the program packets created for children to use at their weekly missionary society meetings. Packets include a general program booklet outlining the worship services to be used on Mission Sunday in Sunday School classes, promotional pamphlets highlighting the mission work of the Women's Missionary Society/Augustana Lutheran Church Women and other divisions of the church, devotional booklets, practical work information, as well as supplemental material such as maps, charts, picture books, and information on obtaining additional material through catalogs, price lists, book lists, and audio-visual lists. Younger children were introduced to mission topics through the use of picture books, flannelgraph stories, and simple games and exercises designed to teach children respect and appreciation of the differences between themselves and children of different lands. Older children were introduced to more specific mission topics pertaining to the mission work of the Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church. The early 1950s saw the development of specific series curricula for Mission Sunday worship services in church school. God's Children Everywhere is a picture-story set for children of kindergarten and primary age. Christian Growth Through Sharing was developed for children in the Junior (age) and Intermediate (age). In addition to these, the series also contains "All-in-One" packets. These are complete sets of worship services for Mission Sunday in the Church School for kindergarten, primary, junior, and intermediate units. All-in-One packets contain a book of programs for each department, poster-size pictures for use with programs, flannelgraph sets, and other supplementary materials. All-in-One Packets for 1961-1963 also include filmstrips containing images from missionary projects referred to in the worship service. This series does not appear to be missing any years, though some packets may be incomplete, especially the earlier ones. As with other series in this collection, large items such as maps and charts were removed and placed in oversized folders. A notation to this effect is made on the folder from which the material was removed. Duplicates were removed. Records are arranged chronologically.
ArchivalResource: 3 boxes. View
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- Augustana Lutheran Church Women. Church School, 1940-1963.
Augustana Lutheran Church Women. The Quarterly Release, 1951-1962.
The Quarterly Release, 1951-1962.
This series consists of issues for 1957-1962 of the WMS/ALCW publication The Quarterly Release. This was the last publication published solely by the WMS/ALCW and was intended as a reference tool for leaders of local societies. It was published four times per year, but this series is missing certain issues. Volume 1 numbers 3 and 4 are missing, as well as volume 2 number 1. Some significant topics represented in this publication include information pertaining to the Unified Plan, which was the reorganization and consolidation of all women's groups within a congregation into one auxiliary; special projects receiving emphasis for a particular time period, one example being the Reading Project of 1957; information regarding the WMS biennial convention in 1958; and the World Friendship Fund, which became a joint offering of children and youth of the Augustana Church. Records are arranged chronologically and duplicates were removed.
ArchivalResource: 1 box. View
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- Augustana Lutheran Church Women. The Quarterly Release, 1951-1962.
Augustana Lutheran Church Women. Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church : Augustana Lutheran Church Women. Minutes, 1895-1962 [microform].
Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church : Augustana Lutheran Church Women. Minutes, 1895-1962 [microform].
The records comprise minutes from WMS/ALCW administrative bodies' meetings occurring from 1895-1962. They include primarily Executive Board and Executive Committee minutes, but in some instances were additional minutes from other WMS committees are included. Minutes from 1895-1904 are written in Swedish. Minutes after 1904 are written primarily in English. Until 1922 all minutes are handwritten in bound notebooks. From 1922-1962 minutes are typewritten on looseleaf pages originally kept in binders. Up until 1957 minutes are arranged in chronological order and Executive Board and Executive Committee minutes are filed together. Starting with 1957 minutes are separated into the different administrative bodies and then are arranged chronologically. In box 8 is a duplicate set of minutes from October 1958- December 1962. These appear to be the original copies and are arranged only in chronological order. Indexes are included for minutes from 1923, 1939-1945, and 1951-1954. Examples of subjects contained in the minutes are, fundraising for construction of a hospital for women and children in Rajahmundry, India; discussions pertaining to the creation of the WMS missionary publication, Mission Tidings; and steps taken in the process of recruiting and supporting women to be missionaries. Minutes from the final years of the organization also include meetings regarding the reorganization of women's groups within the church and the creation of the new auxiliary, the Augustana Lutheran Church Women. The records are arranged chronologically.
ArchivalResource: 5 microfilm reels ; 35 mm. View
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- Resource Relation
- Augustana Lutheran Church Women. Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church : Augustana Lutheran Church Women. Minutes, 1895-1962 [microform].
Augustana Lutheran Church Women. Skits and Plays, 1941-1962.
Skits and Plays, 1941-1962.
This series consists of educational material in the form of programs, worship services, plays, dialogues, and devotions, the majority of which were created by the Committee on Missionary Education of the Women's Missionary Society/Augustana Lutheran Church Women (WMS/ALCW) between 1941-1962. These items were created for use by the WMS, the Young Women's Missionary Society (YWMS), and the Junior Missionary Society (JMS) for use at meetings, special worship services and programs, and congregational events and festivals. A small amount of material was written by other church bodies and publishing houses. Earlier material is largely undated. Some apparent duplicate copies were retained because they are different editions. Subjects explored in these materials include, among others, mission fields in Africa, India, and China, home missions, Christmas and Advent programs, Boxes of Blessing, My Missionary For a Day, Life Membership, World Friendship Offering, Jewish missions, increasing Mission Tidings subscriptions, literacy, a reading project for 1957-1958, Thankofferings, the ALCW organization, primary school building project in Africa, social missions, and Missionary Prayer Day services. JMS items are of the same subject matter as the items for the WMS and YWMS. Records are arranged alphabetically.
ArchivalResource: 2 boxes. View
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- Augustana Lutheran Church Women. Skits and Plays, 1941-1962.
Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church. Lutheran Minnesota Conference. Minutes, 1858-1962.
Minutes, 1858-1962.
Consists of minutes in Swedish through 1920, English 1917-1962. Contains reports as follows: president's, education, temperance, youth, home missions/evangelism and church extension, Gustavus Adolphus College and Minnesota College, social missions, Vasa Home, Bethany Home, homes for aged, hospitals, invalid home, Luther League, missionary societies. Contains statistics as follows: conference directory, boards, congregation and district, congregational location, membership, organization date, property, income expenditures. Women's minutes as follows: Women's Home & Foreign Mission Society beginning in 1907; Woman's Missionary Society (1925-1959); Augustana Lutheran Church Women (1961-1962). Luther League intermittently from 1925. Lutheran Brotherhood intermittently from 1936.
ArchivalResource: 12 boxes. View
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- Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church. Lutheran Minnesota Conference. Minutes, 1858-1962.
Augustana Lutheran Church Women. Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church : Augustana Lutheran Church Women. Minutes, 1895-1962 [microform].
Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church : Augustana Lutheran Church Women. Minutes, 1895-1962 [microform].
The records comprise minutes from WMS/ALCW administrative bodies' meetings occurring from 1895-1962. They include primarily Executive Board and Executive Committee minutes, but in some instances were additional minutes from other WMS committees are included. Minutes from 1895-1904 are written in Swedish. Minutes after 1904 are written primarily in English. Until 1922 all minutes are handwritten in bound notebooks. From 1922-1962 minutes are typewritten on looseleaf pages originally kept in binders. Up until 1957 minutes are arranged in chronological order and Executive Board and Executive Committee minutes are filed together. Starting with 1957 minutes are separated into the different administrative bodies and then are arranged chronologically. In box 8 is a duplicate set of minutes from October 1958- December 1962. These appear to be the original copies and are arranged only in chronological order. Indexes are included for minutes from 1923, 1939-1945, and 1951-1954. Examples of subjects contained in the minutes are, fundraising for construction of a hospital for women and children in Rajahmundry, India; discussions pertaining to the creation of the WMS missionary publication, Mission Tidings; and steps taken in the process of recruiting and supporting women to be missionaries. Minutes from the final years of the organization also include meetings regarding the reorganization of women's groups within the church and the creation of the new auxiliary, the Augustana Lutheran Church Women. The records are arranged chronologically.
ArchivalResource: 5 microfilm reels ; 35 mm. View
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- Augustana Lutheran Church Women. Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church : Augustana Lutheran Church Women. Minutes, 1895-1962 [microform].
Augustana Lutheran Church Women. ALCW General Treasurer Ledgers, 1959-1962.
ALCW General Treasurer Ledgers, 1959-1962.
This series contains two financial ledgers kept by the Augustana Lutheran Church Women (ALCW) from 1959-1962. These ledgers contain handwritten and typewritten entries and were originally kept in binders. These ledgers represent only a portion of the financial activity of the ALCW. Records are available in AUG 40/7/1, Cash Books, for 1893-1897 and 1902-1906, but there are no records of financial activity for 1907-1958 in either collection. The smaller ledger in box 1 contains financial information pertaining to the society's assets, liabilities, net worth, income, and expenses for 1959-1962. Each of these subject headings contains entries that list either debits, credits, or balances. The entries within these subject headings are divided by month. Most entries have a reference notation, for example, CR2, RR2, PR1. These notations correspond to the second ledger in this series, which consists of the payroll register (PR), general check register (CR), and receipts register (RR). The number after the abbreviation corresponds to a number written in the upper left-hand corner of the register. This second ledger gives an itemized listing of amounts reported in the first ledger. The last few pages contain entries recording funds sent to the General Treasurer from when districts and conferences closed in 1962. After the last page of the second ledger there are pages with additional entries, but there is no indication as to what these entries pertain or the context in which they were recorded.
ArchivalResource: 2 boxes. View
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- Augustana Lutheran Church Women. ALCW General Treasurer Ledgers, 1959-1962.
Augustana Lutheran Church Women. Miscellaneous Records, n.d., 1926.
Miscellaneous Records, n.d., 1926.
This series comprises a small amount of miscellaneous records that include handwritten, typewritten, and printed material. Some of the items include excerpts of notes pertaining to future meetings, a program from a testimonial banquet for the Rev. L.G. Abrahamson, handwritten notes pertaining to news items found in Mission Tidings, and notes for either a speech or presentation of some kind. The majority of the items, all except one, are undated. Most contain no indication as to who authored them or in what context they were created. One item is written in Swedish.
ArchivalResource: 1 box. View
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- Augustana Lutheran Church Women. Miscellaneous Records, n.d., 1926.
Augustana Lutheran Church Women. Children, 1933-1961.
Children, 1933-1961.
This series consists of program packets designed to teach children about mission work and the mission areas where the Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church was involved. They were created by the Committee on Missionary Education/Education Committee for children ages 3-14. The focus of missionary education for the younger children, 3-5 years, was that of teaching the children to be courteous, caring, and respectful with the goal of teaching them to accept people different from themselves or from different lands. Missionary education for older children, 6-14 years, focused on teaching about mission projects and service areas the church was working in, and providing children the avenues for participation in mission projects. The material comprises printed and typewritten booklets, pamphlets, and leaflets and is from 1933-1961. Material is subdivided into the age groups for which it was written. Program packets for each age group differ slightly as to the types of materials included. Beginner program packets for children ages 3-5 consist primarily of story books, picture books, nursery rhymes, as well as mite boxes, lapel pins, and promotional pamphlets. Primary and Junior program packets for children ages 6-14 contain material that is more programmatic in nature and very similar to the program packets for teenagers and adults. There are mite boxes, lapel pins, promotional pamphlets, yearly mission program booklets, hymns, prayer reminders, and additional supplemental material. Program packets for certain years are missing from this series. 1946-1950 is missing for Primary packets, and 1946-1951 is missing for Junior packets. There may be some overlap with AUG 40/8/1/4, Church School Packets, as some of the program packets in this series appear to have been created for use on Missionary Sunday in Church School. As with the other program packet series, not all packets are complete, and large items were removed from the packet, placed in an oversized folder, and placed in the map case. A notation to this effect was placed on the folder from which the item was removed. Duplicates were removed. Records are arranged chronologically.
ArchivalResource: 6 boxes. View
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- Augustana Lutheran Church Women. Children, 1933-1961.
Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church : Augustana Lutheran Church Women. Corporation Documents, 1899, 1944, 1949, 1958 [microform].
Corporation Documents, 1899, 1944, 1949, 1958 [microform].
This series consists of corporation documents for the Women's Missionary Society/Augustana Lutheran Church Women. They are from 1899-1958 with the bulk of the material from 1944, 1949, and 1958. This series includes articles of incorporation, certificates of amendment, and printed copies of the text of the articles of incorporation and bylaws. The records contain the original certificate of incorporation from 1899. They also include certificates of amendments reflecting changes to the articles of incorporation. These changes occurred in 1944 when the society added 3939 Pine Grove, Chicago, Illinois, as its principal address, in 1949 when it changed its name from Woman's Missionary Society to Women's Missionary Society, and in 1958 when it changed its name to Augustana Lutheran Church Women and made revisions to the purpose statement found in the articles of incorporation. Care should be taken with the 1899 incorporation document. It at one time had a seal and ribbon affixed, but they are now partially torn.
ArchivalResource: 1 microfilm reel ; 35 mm. View
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- Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church : Augustana Lutheran Church Women. Corporation Documents, 1899, 1944, 1949, 1958 [microform].
Augustana Lutheran Church Women. Minutes, 1895-1962.
Minutes, 1895-1962.
The records comprise minutes from WMS/ALCW administrative bodies' meetings occurring from 1895-1962. They include primarily Executive Board and Executive Committee minutes, but in some instances were additional minutes from other WMS committees are included. Minutes from 1895-1904 are written in Swedish. Minutes after 1904 are written primarily in English. Until 1922 all minutes are handwritten in bound notebooks. From 1922-1962 minutes are typewritten on looseleaf pages originally kept in binders. Up until 1957 minutes are arranged in chronological order and Executive Board and Executive Committee minutes are filed together. Starting with 1957 minutes are separated into the different administrative bodies and then are arranged chronologically. In box 8 is a duplicate set of minutes from October 1958- December 1962. These appear to be the original copies and are arranged only in chronological order. Indexes are included for minutes from 1923, 1939-1945, and 1951-1954. Examples of subjects contained in the minutes are, fundraising for construction of a hospital for women and children in Rajahmundry, India; discussions pertaining to the creation of the WMS missionary publication, Mission Tidings; and steps taken in the process of recruiting and supporting women to be missionaries. Minutes from the final years of the organization also include meetings regarding the reorganization of women's groups within the church and the creation of the new auxiliary, the Augustana Lutheran Church Women. The records are arranged chronologically.
ArchivalResource: 8 boxes. View
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- Augustana Lutheran Church Women. Minutes, 1895-1962.
Augustana Lutheran Church Women. Guest Books, 1925-1952.
Guest Books, 1925-1952.
This series consists of the guest book used at the Women's Missionary Society (WMS) Headquarters and Mission Home, Chicago, Illinois, and the guest book used at the WMS Lutheran Home for Women, New York, New York. The guest book for the WMS headquarters contains entries for 1925-1940, and the guest book used at the Lutheran Home for Women includes entries for 1930-1952. It appears these guest books were used to record not only the women using the residence facilities at both locations, but also organizations using each location's meeting facilities. Each location also hosted various parties, receptions, luncheons, and other events at which attendance was recorded in the guest books. The guest book for the WMS Headquarters and Mission Home, Chicago Illinois, is a bound, decorative book. The covers were removed during processing. It contains handwritten entries primarily consisting of name, hometown information, and date of visit. In a few instances there are also notations as to why the visitors were at the WMS Headquarters and Mission Home. The guest book used at the Lutheran Home for Women, New York, New York, is a large, bound notebook with its cover intact. Entries are handwritten and include name, hometown, date of visit, and in some instances a telephone number. Much more so than in the WMS headquarters guest book, in this book the event for which the people were in attendance is noted. There are copies of newspapers clippings found in the front portion of this book. It cannot be ascertained why these were included. They have no references to the WMS in them. In both books, there are entries for missionaries from Africa, India, and China, among other places. Other out-of-town visitors came from such places as California, Iowa, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, Canada, and Sweden. Particular care should be taken when handling the pages in the Lutheran Home for Women guest book. The edges and corners are deteriorating.
ArchivalResource: 2 boxes. View
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- Augustana Lutheran Church Women. Guest Books, 1925-1952.
Augustana Lutheran Church Women. Teen-Age, 1939-1940, 1943-1960.
Teen-Age, 1939-1940, 1943-1960.
The program packets in this series are those created for use by teenaged members of the Women's Missionary Society/Augustana Lutheran Church Women (WMS/ALCW) and are from 1939-1960. At first teenaged young women were members of the Young Women's Missionary Society (YWMS). The program packets from 1939-1950 were published for the YWMS with additional material written specifically for teenaged members. Starting in 1943 programs written specifically for teenagers appeared in packet material. In 1951 a separate division was created for teenaged members and the Teen Age Missionary Society was created. Program packets written after this time reflect this organizational change. Beginning with the 1959-1960 program year there were no longer teenage missionary societies. Program material was still published by the WMS/ALCW for teenagers, but was written for use by Luther Leagues and congregational teenage clubs. There are no packets for 1941-1942 in this group of records. The packets in this series are quite similar to program packets created for the women's missionary societies. They contain educational programs for the year, suggested topics and outlines for meetings, supplementary study materials, and promotional and educational pamphlets addressing specific mission topics, and topics geared toward young people. Material consists of printed booklets and pamphlets, and typewritten informational sheets used in the earlier program packets and as supplementary information in later packets. Examples of topics explored in these missionary programs include stewardship, church service, understanding cultural and race issues, North American mission work, Augustana mission work overseas, and needs of different segments of local congregations. Large maps and charts were removed and placed in an oversized folder. Series folders from which this material was removed have a notation to this effect. Duplicates were removed. Records are arranged chronologically.
ArchivalResource: 3 boxes. View
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- Augustana Lutheran Church Women. Teen-Age, 1939-1940, 1943-1960.
Augustana Lutheran Church Women. Historical Files, 1892-1960.
Historical Files, 1892-1960.
This series contains material pertaining to the history of the Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church's Women's Missionary Society/Augustana Lutheran Church Women (WMS/ALCW). It includes information from 1892-1960. The majority of records pertain to the history of the society itself, the history of conference societies of the WMS/ALCW, and the history of mission fields of the church-at-large. The records comprise typewritten, handwritten, and printed material, published booklets and pamphlets, and a record book in which handwritten notations are recorded. Particular items of interest include a comprehensive time line of pivotal events in the history of the WMS/ALCW. Also noteworthy is a leather-bound, handwritten notebook containing the membership lists for the WMS/ALCW from 1892-1896. In addition to the name and hometown of each member, a notation is present in this notebook recording the amount paid in membership dues. Unfortunately, it is not apparent when a particular woman joined. There is also information available relating to the history of conference societies. Societies included are California, Columbia, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, New England, and New York. Several publications included in this series contain a comprehensive history of the WMS/ALCW. Two in particular are From Acorns Small ... by Ruth Benson, and What God Hath Wrought: These Fifty Years, 1892-1942. There is material in Swedish and English. It should be noted that the Swedish-language publications contain only a brief mention of the WMS/ALCW in the context of the history of the Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church.
ArchivalResource: 1 box. View
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- Augustana Lutheran Church Women. Historical Files, 1892-1960.
Augustana Lutheran Church Women. Correspondence with Marian Anderson, 1959-1960.
Correspondence with Marian Anderson, 1959-1960.
ArchivalResource: 3 items (4 l.) View
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- Augustana Lutheran Church Women. Correspondence with Marian Anderson, 1959-1960.
Augustana Lutheran Church Women. Scrapbooks, 1904-1941.
Scrapbooks, 1904-1941.
This series consists primarily of nine scrapbooks created by the Women's Missionary Society (WMS) of the Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church. These scrapbooks document activities of the society from approximately 1904 - 1941. They contain various items used by the society to promote programs and events and chronicle the beginnings of some WMS programs and projects. It appears one of the duties of the WMS historian was to compile these scrapbooks as brief, anecdotal records of WMS activities. They contain samples of promotional and educational material, convention material, mite boxes, lapel pins, newspaper clippings, and clippings from the WMS publications Mission Tidings and Calendar. This series provides a valuable glimpse into some components of the WMS and offers an enriched view of the early history of the WMS. Some items are difficult to examine because they are affixed to pages with glue or were disassembled for mounting purposes. Three of the scrapbooks contain a variety of material that highlights the work of the WMS, and other individual scrapbooks are each devoted to a particular topic. There are scrapbooks for the "My Missionary for a Day" program, the Deaconess Department, the 50th Jubilee of the WMS, the Augustana Mission Headquarters and Home. A Centennial News scrapbook, which highlighted events surrounding the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church, and a scrapbook containing clippings of photographs from issues of Mission Tidings and Calendar are also part of the series. In addition to these scrapbooks, there is also a small published book of photographs of the Swedish School of Jerusalem. It is stamped, "Historian," so it is assumed it was in the custody of the historian. Some of the pages are quite fragile, with loose and detached items. The covers were removed during processing.
ArchivalResource: 4 boxes. View
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- Augustana Lutheran Church Women. Scrapbooks, 1904-1941.
Augustana Lutheran Church Women. Circle Groups, 1954-1956.
Circle Groups, 1954-1956.
These program packets were for use by other women's organizations within a congregation. Circle group packets were created for use by a congregation's Ladies' Aid or Women's Circles and Guilds. The packets in this series are from 1954-1956 and contain material similar to that found in other types of program packets in this collection. These circle group packets contain program guides to be used in conjunction with a specified text, an accompanying study guide, and other supplementary material such as maps. Also included in the packets are promotional pamphlets, leaflets, and booklets on mission-related topics. Each packet in this series had a map removed and placed into an oversized folder. A notation to this effect is on each folder. Duplicates were removed. Records are arranged chronologically.
ArchivalResource: 1 box. View
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- Augustana Lutheran Church Women. Circle Groups, 1954-1956.
American Lutheran Conference. Presidents' Records 1930-1952
Presidents' Records 1930-1952
This series comprises records generated or retained by the presidents of the American Lutheran Conference. The records date from 1930-1952 and include handwritten and typewritten business correspondence, meeting minutes, reports, news releases, and news clippings. Subject matter includes the biennial conventions held by the American Lutheran Conference, general business matters attended to by the president of the conference, and the various committee and commissions of the conference that dealt with a variety of subjects that included Lutheran unity, home missions, young people, higher education, the Lutheran liturgy, stewardship, and elementary education.
ArchivalResource: 4 boxes (1.4 cubic ft.) View
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- American Lutheran Conference. Presidents' Records 1930-1952
- Constellation Relation
- Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church
Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church : Augustana Lutheran Church Women.
- Constellation Relation
- Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church : Augustana Lutheran Church Women.
Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church : Augustana Lutheran Church Women.
- Constellation Relation
- Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church : Augustana Lutheran Church Women.
Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church. Lutheran Minnesota Conference.
- Constellation Relation
- Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church. Lutheran Minnesota Conference.
Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church. Women's Missionary Society.
- Constellation Relation
- Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church. Women's Missionary Society.
Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church. Women's Missionary Society.
- Constellation Relation
- Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church. Women's Missionary Society.
Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church. Women's Missionary Society.
- Constellation Relation
- Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church. Women's Missionary Society.
Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church. Women's Missionary Society.
- Constellation Relation
- Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church. Women's Missionary Society.
Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church. Women's Missionary Society.
- Constellation Relation
- Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church. Women's Missionary Society.
Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church. Women's Missionary Society.
- Constellation Relation
- Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church. Women's Missionary Society.
Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church. Women's Missionary Society.
- Constellation Relation
- Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church. Women's Missionary Society.
Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church. Women's Missionary Society.
- Constellation Relation
- Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church. Women's Missionary Society.
Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church. Women's Missionary Society.
- Constellation Relation
- Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church. Women's Missionary Society.
Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church. Women's Missionary Society.
- Constellation Relation
- Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church. Women's Missionary Society.
Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church. Women's Missionary Society.
- Constellation Relation
- Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church. Women's Missionary Society.
Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church. Women's Missionary Society.
- Constellation Relation
- Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church. Women's Missionary Society.
Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church. Women's Missionary Society.
- Constellation Relation
- Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church. Women's Missionary Society.
Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church. Women's Missionary Society.
- Constellation Relation
- Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church. Women's Missionary Society.
Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church. Women's Missionary Society.
- Constellation Relation
- Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church. Women's Missionary Society.
Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church. Women's Missionary Society.
- Constellation Relation
- Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church. Women's Missionary Society.
Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church. Women's Missionary Society.
- Constellation Relation
- Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church. Women's Missionary Society.
Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church. Women's Missionary Society.
- Constellation Relation
- Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church. Women's Missionary Society.
Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church. Women's Missionary Society.
- Constellation Relation
- Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church. Women's Missionary Society.
Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church. Women's Missionary Society.
- Constellation Relation
- Augustana Evangelical Lutheran Church. Women's Missionary Society.
- Constellation Relation
- American Lutheran Conference
- Language
- eng
- Language
- swe
Lutheran Church
- Subject
- Lutheran Church
Lutheran Church
- Subject
- Lutheran Church
Lutheran Church
- Subject
- Lutheran Church
Lutheran Church
- Subject
- Lutheran Church
Lutheran Church
- Subject
- Lutheran Church
Lutheran Church
- Subject
- Lutheran Church
Lutheran women
- Subject
- Lutheran women
- Convention Declaration
- Convention Declaration 100