Information: The first column shows data points from Moorhouse, Lee, 1850-1926 in red. The third column shows data points from Moorhouse, Lee, 1856-1926 in blue. Any data they share in common is displayed as purple boxes in the middle "Shared" column.
Thomas Leander Moorhouse (1850-1926), known as Major Lee Moorhouse, was an amateur photographer from Pendleton, Or. In 1878, he served as field secretary for Oregon governor Stephen F. Chadwick during the Bannock-Paiute War and the following year was appointed to the Third (Eastern Ore.) Brigade of the Oregon State Militia, where he earned the rank of Major. The owner of a mercantile business in Pendleton, Moorhouse & Livermore (later Lee Moorhouse and Co.), Lee Moorhouse also served one term as mayor of the city in 1885. From 1889 to 1891, he was employed as the agent to the Umatilla Indian Reservation. Lee Moorhouse began taking photographs circa 1897-1898. During a period when many amateur photographers were experimenting with new innovations in film negatives and snapshot photography, Moorhouse used glass plate negatives to capture his subjects. He took over 9,000 images, photographing the activities of his hometown of Pendleton, Or. and, especially, Native American life in the Columbia River basin and Umatilla County.
Lee Moorhouse photographs [graphic], circa 1897-1919.
Moorhouse, Lee,. Lee Moorhouse photographs [graphic], circa 1897-1919.
Lee Moorhouse photographs [graphic], circa 1897-1919.
This collection consists of photographic prints, photographic postcards, and one cyanotype taken by Maj. Lee Moorhouse circa 1897-1919. Many of the photographs are of Native Americans of the Columbia and Umatilla River basins in Oregon, taken circa 1900-1912 and including members of the Cayuse, Nez Percé, Umatilla, and Walla Walla tribes; these photographs include views of the Umatilla Indian Reservation and other unidentified Indian settlements in Oregon. There are also some photographs of members of the Yakima tribe, which may have originally been taken by photographer Thomas H. Rutter and sold by Moorhouse as his own work. Other photographs in this collection depict landscape views of the areas in which Lee Moorhouse lived and worked, such as the Columbia River basin, including Celilo Falls; the Umatilla River in Oregon; and the Little Bighorn River valley in Montana. The rest of the collection contains photographs taken by Moorhouse of rodeos in Oregon and Washington, especially of the Pendleton Round-Up, in Pendleton, Or., circa 1909-1919; these depict various rodeo events and participants, including African-American, Native American, and women performers. Also includes safety film negatives.
2 cubic feet (574 photographs and 6 film negatives in 2 boxes).
Moorhouse, Lee,. Lee Moorhouse photographs [graphic], circa 1897-1919.
Moorhouse, Lee, 1850-1926
Lee Moorhouse photographs circa 1897-1919
Lee Moorhouse photographs, circa 1897-1919
Lee Moorhouse photographs circa 1897-1919
Photographs taken by Maj. Lee Moorhouse circa 1897- 1919 of Cayuse, Umatilla, and other Indians and their settlements in the Columbia River Basin and Umatilla County; landscapes in Oregon and Montana; and of the Round-Up in Pendleton, Or. and other locations.
1 cubic foot; 574 photographs and 6 film negatives in 2 boxes
Visual Instruction Department LanternSlides circa1900-1940
Visual Instruction Department Lantern Slides, circa 1900-1940
Visual Instruction Department LanternSlides circa1900-1940
The Visual Instruction Department LanternSlides consist of slide sets assembled and loaned by the Oregon StateSystem of Higher Education General Extension Division. The slides depict avariety of topics including many related to Oregon and the PacificNorthwest.
6.35 cubic feet, including 2696photographs; 47 boxes
Visual Instruction Department Lantern Slides, circa 1900-1940
Moorhouse, Lee, 1850-1926
Louie Marian Conklin Photograph Albums circa 1897-1909
Louie Marian Conklin Photograph Albums, circa 1897-1909
Louie Marian Conklin Photograph Albums circa 1897-1909
Two albums of Oregon town and wilderness scenes and portraits of the family and friends of Louie Marian Church Conklin, a teacher active in the civic life of Salem, Oregon, and Grants Pass, Oregon. Also includes some American Indian portraits
2 albums (22 photographs, 39
photographs); 2 unmounted photographs, 1 box; 1 memorial service brochure
Louie Marian Conklin Photograph Albums, circa 1897-1909
Moorhouse, Lee, 1856-1926
Charles Wellington Furlong papers 1896-1967
Charles Wellington Furlong papers, 1896-1967
Charles Wellington Furlong papers 1896-1967
Charles Wellington Furlong (1874-1967) was an explorer, writer, lecturer, an artist, a college professor, a scientist, a cowboy, a collector, and a foreign correspondent to name but a few of his ‘trades.' The collection contains biographical and military records, manuscripts, articles and lectures by Furlong, notebooks and journals, Philippine Island material, photographs and daguerreotypes, correspondence, audio recordings and books.
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