General Records of the Department of the Navy. 1941 - 2004. Moving Images Relating to Military Activities. 1947 - 1980. COMMANDER IN CHIEF, SO. EUROPE, CHANGE OF COMMAND CEREMONY
General Records of the Department of the Navy. 1941 - 2004. Moving Images Relating to Military Activities. 1947 - 1980. COMMANDER IN CHIEF, SO. EUROPE, CHANGE OF COMMAND CEREMONY
1) LA CU The NATO emblem secured to the heavy cement post out in front of the the headquarter building; VG. 2) MS Empty speaker's stand, prior to the VIP'S arriving; G-F. 3) CU AFSOUTH emblem in front of the shield; VG. 4) HA MLS Much of the crowd, the Navy band, the Marine Honor Guard, marching out into the positions, speaker's stand is seen situated directly off of the steps of the headquarter's building in the BG; VG. 5) HA MS Troop of Carabinieri marching into position, followed by a detachment of Italian troops; G. 6) CU Mounted Carabinieri; G. 7) CU Front view of two of the Carabinieri with their swords at right shoulder. 8) HA MCU Officers and guests seated in the stands, SV; G. 9) MS ADM'S GRIFFIN and RIVERO arriving to the front of the speaker's stand and coming to attention. ADM GRIFFIN is wearing a green sash across his right shoulder, the ADM'S come to the salute; G. 10) HA MS Rear view of the NATO Color Guard; ADM GRIFFIN in the LBG standing in front of the speaker's stand, High-ranking officers up on the speaker's stand. 11) HA MS PAN view of ADM'S GRIFFIN and RIVERO inspecting the troops; G. 12) HA MCU PAN of the ADM'S GRIFFIN and RIVERO returning after the inspection of the troops. High-ranking officers and VIP'S in the BG looking on. Zoom back ADM'S complete their inspection, about face and return to their positions at the speaker's stand; VG. 13) CU Front view of ADM'S GRIFFIN and RIVERO, plus many of the high-ranking officers (allied) on the speaker's stand, USN Chaplain giving the Invocation. GEN Lymon LEMNITZER, USA, Supreme Allied Commander of NATO, is standing directly to the right of ADM GRIFFIN; VG. 14) MS GEN LEMNITZER stepping up to the Podium, giving his remarks; Zoom in for a MCU of the GEN; VG. 15) MLS Overall view of the speaker's stand, some of the Honor Guards, GEN giving his remarks, part of the NATO headquarter's building is framed in BG. 16) MCU ADM'S GRIFFIN'S flag flying; G. 17) HA MCU Some of the high-ranking VIP'S in the audience; G. 18) HA MCU High-ranking Officers and Guests seated in the audience; VG. 19) MCU Front view of several of the high-ranking officers and their guests; VG. 20) MCU Front view of GEN LEMNITZER giving his remarks from the Podium. 21) MS Front view of GEN LEMNITZER giving his remarks from the Podium; G. 22) MCU Front view of a Carabinieri and a USN enl'd man standing in front of the speaker's stand; G. 23) MS Photographer in civilian clothing, movie camera under his right shoulder, shooting some scenes of the Italian Carabinieri in ranks, off to the right; G. 24) MCU Front view of ADM GRIFFIN arising from chair, standing near the Podium with GEN LEMNITZER. Two high-ranking Officers stand at attention as the citation from the president is read awarding the ADM the distinguished service medal, first gold star; VG. 25) MLS ADM GRIFFIN and GEN LEMNITZER standing behind the Podium at attention; VG. 26) MS GEN LEMNITZER opening up the case, removing the medal, pinning it to the upper breast pocket of ADM GRIFFIN, ADM shakes hands with the GEN, they both return salutes, GEN seats himself, ADM GRIFFIN removes his gloves, stands in front of the Podium reading his orders, give his remarks. Sash worn by ADM GRIFFIN is very colorful. VG. 27) MLS The speaker's stand and some of the Honor Guard units, the headquarter's building directly in the BG, ADM GRIFFIN speaking at the Podium, SV-DA. 28) HA MCU Rear view of the Carabinieri in ranks, many of the officers and guests seated in the BG; PAN of to the left to small Italian unit, possibly Italian Air Force Personnel; VG. 29) MCU Mounted Carabinieri; VG. 30) CU Looking down over four children listening to the remarks by ADM GRIFFIN. 31) CU Looking down over 2nd class petty officers seated with some of the audience; G. 32) HA CU Three quarter front view of much of the audience listening to the speech, SV-DA; G. 33) MCU Front view of ADM GRIFFIN reading his orders, giving his remarks from the Podium; VG. 34) MS Front view of the high-ranking officers and their guests seated off to one side of the speaker's stand, photographer personnel is in lower FG with movie camera up on his right shoulder; G. 35) MS High-ranking Officers and their Guests; G. 36) MS Rear view of the US Marine Honor Guard standing at Parade Rest; G. 37) CU PAN to the left, USN Aide walking off to the left in front of the speaker's stand; G. 38) LA MS ADM GRIFFIN'S flag being hauled down, off to one side of the entrance of the headquarter's building; G. 39) MS ADM GRIFFIN shaking hands with ADM RIVERO, ADM GRIFFIN steps back, as ADM RIVERO steps up to the Podium. PAN upper showing ADM RIVERO'S flag being broken and flying in the breeze out in front of the headquarter's building, the AFSOUTH emblem is seen off to the left; VG. 40) MS VIP'S on the speaker's stand at the salute, VIP'S come out from the salute, seat themselves, ADM RIVERO then commences to read his orders. Zoom in slightly in towards ADM RIVERO; G. 41) MS Overall view of the speaker's stand with ADM RIVERO reading his orders, some of the Color Guard seen off to the right; G. 42) MCU Front view of ADM RIVERO reading his orders, stepping back from the Podium, and off to one side; Zoom back as the high-ranking officers on the speaker's stand arise, Officers then come to the Salute, American flag is seen in the right corner; G. 43) MCU High-ranking officers at speaker's stand at salute, ADM RIVERO in the group; G.
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