How manufacturers of alpine skis market their product / Thomas B. Jackson. Commodity management : a strategic approach to purchasing / Regina M. Kaufmann. Market for training and education : will it meet the future needs of the business world? / by James A. Kunkel. An overview of the loan shark industry in the United States / by Thomas M. Looney. Deregulation of the electric utility industry / by Ronald A. Magnuson. Alcoholism and other factors affecting job performance in the small college enviornment [sic] and a method of treatment : the employee assistance program / by Michael Malewicki. MRP : the contemporary approach to manufacturing planning / by David P. McClellan. Task management in the printing industry : a study on task design for elimination of paper waste / by Joseph M. McJilton, Jr. Declining productivity as a contributing factor to inflation / Richard F. O'Brien. Resolving our productivity crisis through study of the humanities / by Richard F. O'Brien. Quality circles : a proven program to improve organizational effectiveness / by Kevin Owens. Municipal bonds and alternative capital financing / by Joan M. Pedersen. Tylenol / John Peloquin. 1980-1983.