Smith, Howard K. (Howard Kingsbury), 1914-2002. Papers, 1941-1963.
Papers, 1941-1963.
Papers of Howard K. Smith (1914-2002), an award-winning news analyst and foreign correspondent, consisting of material on his career with both the ABC and CBS networks. After switching to ABC, Smith had his own television program, "Howard K. Smith--News and Comment." For this show the collection includes viewer mail, fan mail evaluations, clippings, and New York office files, plus tape recordings and films. There are film interview transcripts with such people as Paul H. Douglas, Samuel J. Ervin, Jr., James A. Farley, Gerald R. Ford, Orville E. Freeman, Lillian Gish, Harry Golden, Albert A. Gore, Sheilah Graham, Ernest Gruening, Leonard W. Hall, Philip A. Hart, James R. Hoffa, Hubert H. Humphrey, Jacob K. Javits, C. Estes Kefauver, Joseph E. Levine, John V. Lindsay, Eugene J. McCarthy, Robert S. McNamara, Malcolm X, Mike Mansfield, Clark R. Mollenhoff, Wayne L. Morse, Hans Morgenthau, Edward R. Murrow, Adam Clayton Powell, Walter W. Rostow, Dean Rusk, Hugh D. Scott, Jr., Merriman Smith, Theodore C. Sorenson, Cyrus L. Sulzberger, Gloria Swanson, J. Strom Thurmond, and Rexford G. Tugwell. The office files contain transcripts of these interviews as aired, together with research material, notes, and memoranda. Of particular interest are interviews, scripts, clippings, and fan mail related to the controversial program, "The Political Obituary of Richard Nixon."
21.6 c.f. (54 archives boxes),59 tape recordings,2 photographs (1 folder), and51 films. View
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