South Carolina Female Collegiate Institute (Barhamville, S.C.). Records, 1843-1960.
Records, 1843-1960.
Chiefly letters written by students re school and social activities; including 2 letters, 1 Apr. 1836 and 27 Apr. 1840, Barhamville, S.C., and Savannah, Ga., to Laura Nelson Covert, Bradley P.O., Sumter District, S.C., re school friends, social activities, and Savannah Society; letter, 15 Sept. 1845, from Laura Sperry, to Anson Sperry, Chicago, Ill., re establishment of Limestone Springs Female High School, and anticipation of low enrollment due to abundance of women's institutions. Letter, 17 Jan. 1849, Darlington, S.C., from "Bud P.", to Serena Bacot, Barhamville, re local news and commenting on new inventions such as Rail Roads, Steam Boats, Telegraphs, and the California Gold Rush; diploma, c. 1850, of Cornelia Leitner; letter, 11 Oct. 1852, from M[ary] H. McAliley to her father, re daily school routine; letter, 6 July 1854, from Manuel M. Parraga, to a student, re enclosing a piece of music. Letter, 16 Feb. 1863, from R. Acelie Togno to [Mr. Boyd], re account of his daughter Cornelia Boyd and her sister, their work habits, dispositions, and state of health due to proper diet and dress; text book, 1851, "Universal History," S[arah] E[lizabeth] Witherspoon, including penciled notations listing students and references to Dr. Elias Marks; four report cards, 3 Mar. 1854 and 15 Nov. 1855, Columbia, S.C., of Harriet E. Milling, Isabella Milling, and Louisa O'Neal. Two manuscripts, 1843 and 26 Mar. 1957, Allendale, S.C., fly-leaf and title page of volume used at Barhamville and letter transmitting ownership of documents; letter, 6 May 1905, Kirkwood, Camden, S.C., from M[ary] A[ncrum] Shannon to [Elizabeth Doby English, Columbia, S.C.], re memories of Barhamville, ca. 1851-1852, and suggesting additional historical sources; letter, 1960, listing students, teachers, courses of study, and notes from a student's album compiled from notes collected by Henry C[ampbell] Davis.
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