Scroggins, Albert T. Albert T. Scroggins papers, 1931-2001.
Albert T. Scroggins papers, 1931-2001.
Papers, 1931-2001, documenting Scroggins' tenure as Dean of the USC College of Journalism and providing a history of journalism and mass media studies in South Carolina and beyond. Includes information on Scroggins' work on behalf of Association of Journalism and Mass Communication as chief program officer for its Journalist-in-Space Project. Organizations represented include Columbia Advertising Club, Media Club of Columbia, Southern Interscholastic Press Association, American Advertising Federation, Kappa Tau Alpha, Society of Professional Journalists, American Association of Schools and Departments of Journalism, National Advertising Review Board, American Newspaper Publishers Association, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, and William Randolph Heart Foundation Journalism Awards Executive Committee. Other organizations represented include Columbia University Scholastic Press Association, Southern Newspaper Publishers Association, Sigma Delta Chi, National Council of College Publications Advisors, Baptist Public Relations Association, American College Public Relations Association, and Dow Jones Newspaper Fund. Other materials relate to Scrogginsâ‚‚ education and career experience at Mississippi College, Howard College (Samford University), Southern Illinois University, and University of South Florida. Also contains photographs relating to USC and activities and events at the College of Journalism. Correspondents include Maj. Gen. Lyle J. Barker, Jr., Jack Bass, Paul Delbert Brinkman, Dwight M. Chalmers, Thomas E. Corts, Harwell G. Davis, Everette E. Dennis, William A. Emerson, Jr., Thomas E. Engleman, Ashley Halsey, Jr., Frank Harden, Jack Harwell, A. Jerome Jewler, Dennis R. Jones, Thomas F. Jones, Reid H. Montgomery, Frank Luther Mott, Bryce W. Rucker, Charles E. Savedge, G. Richard Shafto, Joseph Shoquist, Harry E. "Sid" Varney, and Leslie S. Wright.
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