Essex Company (Lawrence, Mass.). [Business records].
[Business records]. 1793-1954.
Contains minutes, 1845-1942, of the Board of Directors; stock records, 1847-1889; incoming correspondence, 1845-1897, to various company officials, including Charles S. Storrow, Charles H. Bigelow, C.M. Marvel, John R. Rollins, John Morse and others; correspondence to the treasurer, 1861-1926; correspondence to engineers, 1854-1922, and from engineers, 1860-1939. Also contains scrapbooks of clippings, 1889-1946; financial records, 1845-1887; purchasing records, 1846-1857; surveys of land, 1844-1915; papers on land sales, 1846-1889; records of land given to the city, 1846-1853; rents and leases on houses and land, 1845-1889; and papers about streets, sewers and drains, 1846-1953. Also includes files on construction of dams, canals, and fishways, 1836-1857; labor records, with payrolls, 1847-1905, letters of application, 1845-1846, etc.; reports on water power, water-wheel and turbine tests, water measurements in Lawrence rivers and canals, and reports, 1870-1905, of experiments and observations at the experimental penstock and pipe set up by Hiram F. Mills on the Lawrence canals. Private papers of engineers include those of Hiram F. Mills, Richard A. Hale and others. Papers of subsidiaries such as the lumber yard, the Lawrence Machine Shop, and the Andover Bridge, in which the Essex Co. purchased a majority interest in 1846, are included. Also contains some records of the Winnepissiogee Lake Cotton and Woolen Manufacturing Co., 1845-1889, Lawrence Reservoir Association papers, 1853-1877, and papers of Robert H. Tewksbury, clerk of the Essex Co. from ca. 1870 to 1910. Collection includes extensive holdings of drawings, plans and photographs.
114 ft. View
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