Head, Edmund, Sir, 1805-1868
Various political letters : to George Brown from Alexander Mackenzie, Mar. 28, 1874, concerning the Eric and Champlain canals; to William Jarvis from Monson Hayt, June 26, 1794; from Walter Patterson on Oct. 17, 1771; from Lord MacAuley to Hon. H.S. Randall of New York, May 23, 1857 in London, concerning MacAuley's disdain for Thomas Jefferson; to Messrs Storke & Gainsborough from William Keen of St. John's, Oct. 8, 1736; from Lieut. John Adlam, Halifax, July 20, 1753, concerning a dispute between Majors Fothringham amd McSaul; from Sir Edmund Head; from the Hon. Edward Blake; to Maggie Allan, 1860-1862. 1736- 1874.