American and English literary and historical papers collected by Atcheson L. Hench, 1782-1966
American and English Literary and Historical Papers Collected by Atcheson L. Hench 1782-1966.
Material collected by Hench, some as an autograph collection and others for use in his classes at the University of Virginia with examples of various periods. Modern autographs collected by Hench include letters by associates of Edgar Allan Poe; Civil War letters; papers relating to Virginia history; correspondence of writers and politicians, particularly from the Victorian era; and other miscellaneous correspondence with literary or histocial interest. John Randolph of Roanoke to Mr. Skinner on binding a paper, 1819, with a cut signature of Thomas Mann Randolph and to Stephen Van Rensselaer asking him to dinner with Harmanus Bleecker, n.y. Thomas Mann Randolph, Sr., to Cohen isaacs & Co. and others orders cotton and wool cards and other goods, sends a letter of introduction and discusses the settling of his debt. Thomas Mann Randolph, Jr., to Robert Brent and Henry Remsen seeks military compensation and conveys good news about the opening of the University of Virginia and appraisers for his estate. Anna Cora Ogden Mowatt Ritchie writes to Mr. and Mrs. James Thomas Fields and others introducing Avonia Jones, sending an autograph, changing arrangements, and signing an autograph. AmeĢlie Rives discusses the slang word "gee" with W. T. Moore and voices concerns over errors in books to Mr. Walsh. Letters of William Cabell Rives (1793-1868) to a variety of correspondence including Thomas Aspinwall, Churchill C. Cambreleng, Corcoran & Riggs, Anna Payne Cutts, Philip Ricard Fendall, Henry S. Foote, Joseph Grinnell, Henry O. Houghton, Thomas Maury, Anna Payne, John Rutherfoord, Theodore Sedgwick, John C. Spencer, Henry St. George Tucker and Abel P. Upshur are chiefly routine notes of introduction, thanks, patronage and business. Topics of interest include his biography of James Madison, diplomacy and politics including his opinions on John Qunicy Adams, Andrew Jackson, Henry Clay and the necessity for single presidential terms. Letters of Wiliam Cabell Rives (1825-1889) to Emma Savage Rogers discuss a University of Virginia commencement day address on her husband. Wiliam Barton Rogers writes to Luthern Stearns Cushing, augusts A. Gould, Washington C. Kerr, [Clarence King?],Henry D. Rogers, Henry E. Roscoe andThomas G. Wales on routine matters, a geological map of North Carolina, directorship of the U. S. Geological Survey, University of Virginia classes, and the composition of kaolin. Thomas L. Rosser writes to John Chester Buttre on an engraving plate, and to William Crane on inducing farmers to move to Virginia. Single items of interest include a brief note from Sir James Paget; a letter from Coventry Patmore declining an invitation; a long letter from Andrew Henry Patterson to William Lloyd Garrison discussing in great detail his views on the Negro race" in the South; George C. Peery to M. E. Gilfond enclosing a letter to Sol Bloom (not present); Bishop Thomas Percy to the Rev. John Blakeway expressing hope that Napoleon will not invade his part of Ireland; Wendell Phillips returns the Macaulay item to Edwin P. Whipple; John Pickering sends James Savage a proplsed preface to Eliot's Grammar; James Madison Porter thanks George Pearson for an honorary literary society membership. Also J. W. Porter, Charlottesville, to W. P. St. John, 1890, on economic hard times caused by cheap competition from India, foreign trade deficit and cheap silver; Bryan Waller Proctor to mary Russell Mitford promising poetry and his impression of Daniel Webster; Charles Reade to [Wilkie?] Collins declining to make an appointment; Maurice Regan, 2nd Regiment Pennsylvania Heavy Artillery, to Dr. Pennock praising Thomas Leiper Kane and describing "desolation and destruction" in norther Virginia; Alfred Rives writes to Socrates Maupin to obtain a oxy-hydrogen blowpipe from the University of Virginia; A. Willis Robertson to Hench on the security along the Appalachian Trail; John Robinson to Col. W. G. Brent on clearing track in North Carolina, initialed by P.G.T. Beauregard; Alfred Roman to Roy Mason Hooe on special instructions issued by General Ruggles on conditions in New Orleans; Thomas H. Rosser telegraphs Daniel Ruggles reporting on Union troop movements and the location of John B. Villepigue at Ft. Pillow; and William M Rossetti on a subscription. The collection also contains four land grants, 1803, 1805, signed by Virginia governor John Page; a land grant to William May, Nelson County, signed by Beverly Randolph; a land grant to George Kailor, Rockingham County, signed by Thomas Mann Randolph, Jr.; receipts, Pittsburgh, for bateaus to Fort Washington (Cincinnati?) for military use, 1798; an appointment of Henry Massie to Deputy Postmaster, Charlottesville, signed by Alexander Williams Randall; a Mutual Assurance Society insurance policy signed by Edmund Randolph; an 1861 ordnance invoice signed by Daniel Ruggles; and a quarterly return of deceased solders of the 13th Maine volunteers, 1863, signed by Colonel Henry Rust, Jr.
circa 75 items. View
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