Roché, Henri Pierre, 1879-1959. Henri Pierre Roché Papers, 1886-1971.
Henri Pierre Roché Papers, 1886-1971.
The Henri Pierre Roché Papers consist of manuscripts, typescripts, notebooks, notes, clippings, correspondence, printed material, diaries, and financial and legal documentation. The papers were originally acquired from Henri Pierre Roché's widow, Denise Roché. Roché's works, both published and unpublished, are well represented in this group of papers. Material relating to the novels Jules et Jim and Deux anglaises et le continent is present and includes the correspondence and diaries of some of the individuals who later appeared as characters in the novels. For the most part, the correspondence in Series II is between Henri Pierre Roché and his two wives, Germaine Bonnard and Denise (Renard) Roché; however, other correspondents are also represented, such as Georges Braque, Jean Cocteau, Marcel Duchamp, Marie Laurencin, Pablo Picasso, Erik Satie, and Gertrude Stein. Series III contains Roché's daily agendas and diaries (referred to herein as "carnets"), which begin in 1901 and end in 1959, and document various aspects of his personal and professional life. Transcriptions of several carnets, through 1945, commissioned by film director François Truffaut, as well as a photocopy of one carnet, accompany the collection. Roché's interests in art, real estate, and his autobiography are well documented in the Personal and Legal Papers series. The last series contains materials relating to Roché's family. Journals, correspondence, works, financial, legal, and medical records, and printed material document the lives of Roché's mother Clara, his second wife, Denise, and his son Jean-Claude.
47 boxes, 2 oversize folders (19.74 linear feet) View
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