Gates, Horatio, 1728-1806. American Revolution collection : military matters, 18th-20th centuries.
American Revolution collection : military matters, 18th-20th centuries.
Military order to Ebenezer Hancock, paymaster general, to pay Scarboro Gridley, assistant engineer, $490, signed by Gen. Horatio Gates; list of soldiers in the town of Lexington, both foot and horse, called upon to train under Capt. Benjamin Reed and under Capt. William Reed (1739 Dec. 27); facsimile of the commission (1775 June 19) of George Washington as general and commander in chief of the Army of the U.S.; memorandum (1837 Aug. 9) from Daniel Webster concerning a pension for widows and orphans of men killed at Lexington on Apr. 19, 1775; appointment of Josiah Parker as lieutenant of the militia company in Lexington by Jonathan Belcher, governor of Massachusetts Bay (1739 Apr. 16); bill from Dr. Joseph Fiske to the Province of Massachusetts for services rendered in care of British soldiers on Apr. 19, 1775; payroll (1776) of Ipswich minute men; appointment (1778) of Samuel Lawrance as adjutant in the State of Massachusetts Bay; orders (1760, 1764) from Thaddeus Bowman, first lieutenant, to Corporal John Parker to warn foot soldiers in this town to meet at the house of Jonathan Raymond; and letter (1775 Nov. 15), written at Newtown [N.Y.?], from Samuel Barrett to John Barrett, with enthusiasm for the Continental Congress and military affairs. Also includes bond of William Davis and Thomas Durfee for 2000 pounds (1775 Oct. 30) relating to the purchase of gunpowder for the sloop Relyance; list of drafted reinforcement soldiers from Biddeford [Me.], who joined the Continental Army in New York; ms. signed by Capt. William Munroe directing Corp. Samuel Downing to assemble the militia in his squadron for review on June 24, 1782; commission of Joseph Hosmer as captain of a light infantry company in the Middlesex County militia; autograph order for ordnance, signed by Lt. Col. Francis Smith who led the British grenadiers, and other troops on their ill-fated march to Lexington and Concord (1775 Apr. 19); extracts of letters from General Gage to the Earl of Dartmouth; negative of Earl Percy's payroll (May to Dec. 1774); letters from Edmund Munro to his wife, written at Valley Forge (1777-1778); deposition of Capt. William Briggs relating to Apr. 19, 1775; group of 22 receipts signed by Lexington residents (1776 to 1810), many made out to James Brown; rules and regulations of the Lexington minute men as drawn up by Edmund Munroe in 1774; genealogical records of the Sayles and Taft families, including Revolutionary War pension claim documents of Smith Sayles, a private from Rhode Island; MA thesis of Stephen R. Gilbert, University of Wisconsin on the organization and internal composition of the British Battalion of Light Infantry during the first year of the war; and various muster rolls and orders. Also includes letter (1776 Sept. 6, sent twice) from Samuel Bowers, written to John Parkis at Lexington and to Lieut. Samuel Bowers at Ticonderoga describing the status of his regiment at Ticonderoga; report (1779 May 14) of Benjamin Brown listing men who deserve compensation for military service; proclamation creating Earl Percy's 5th Regiment of Foot and Lord Blayney's 30th Regiment of Foot, dated at the Court of St. James, London, Dec. 15, 1775, bearing signatures of King George III, and others; facsimile of petition by Timothy Blodgett (1776 Apr. 19) requesting compensation for the loss of his musket during the Battle of Lexington; transcription of letter from Gen. John Burgoyne to Major General Heath (1778 Jan. 17) written at Cambridge, requesting a report regarding meetings attended; letter (undated) on letterhead of The Colorado Society, Sons of the American Revolution, with drawn plan showing where 3 British soldiers were killed on Apr. 19, 1775, near the Reed or Fish house; and other papers.
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