Bogan, Louise, 1897-1970. Papers, 1930-1990 (inclusive), 1930-1970 (bulk).
Papers, 1930-1990 (inclusive), 1930-1970 (bulk).
Correspondence (chiefly incoming); manuscripts of poems, translations, and prose writings; journals and notebooks; and family photographs and papers. Correspondents include: Lʹeonie Adams [Troy], Conrad Aiken, W.H. Auden, James T. Babb, Ben Bellitt, Elizabeth Bishop, Marie Bullock, Witter Bynner, Herbert Cahoon, Constance Carrier, Hayden Carruth, Bennett Cerf, Aaron Copland, Malcolm Cowley, James Dickey, Harry Duncan, Abbie Huston Evans, Walker Evans, Clifton Fadiman, Sara Bard Field, Kimon Friar, Robert Frost, Donald Gallup, Wolcott Gibbs, Robert Giroux, Yvan Goll, Claire Goll, Zoltʹan Haraszti, Hiram Collins Haydn, Robert Hillyer, John Holmes, Barbara Howes [Smith], Rolfe Humphries, Laura (Riding) Jackson, John F. Kennedy, Alfred Knopf, James Laughlin, Ruth Limmer, Robert Lowell, Dwight Macdonald, Archibald MacLeish, Margaret Marshall, William Maxwell, W.S. Merwin, Viola Meynell, Henry Allen Moe, Marianne Moore, Louise Townsend Nicholl, Sylvie Pasche, Norman Holmes Pearson, Robert Phelps, Philip Rahv, Gordon Norton Ray, Henry Regnery, Selden Rodman, Theodore Roethke, May Sarton, Karl Jay Shapiro, William Jay Smith, Ted Solotaroff, Tambimuttu, Allen Tate, Louis Untermeyer, Mark Van Doren, Robert Penn Warren, Glenway Wescott, John Hall Wheelock, [Paul] Wightman Williams, Edmund Wilson, Yvor Winters, Morton Dauwen Zabel. Elizabeth Bishop material includes 5 letters from Bishop to Bogan, 1950-1968. James Dickey material includes 1 letter from Dickey to Bogan, 1968. Robert Hillyer material includes 3 letters from Hillyer to Bogan, 1932-1947. W.S. Merwin material includes 1 letter from Merwin to Bogan, 1953. Mark Van Doren material includes 3 letters from Van Doren to Bogan, 1938.
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