Belfrage, Sally, 1936-
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Belfrage, Sally, 1936-
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Belfrage, Sally, 1936-
Belfrage, Sally, 1936-1994
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Name :
Belfrage, Sally, 1936-1994
Belfrage, Sally
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Name :
Belfrage, Sally
ベルフレージ, サリー
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ベルフレージ, サリー
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Biographical History
Sally Mary Caroline Belfrage, independent leftist, world travelling journalist, and author of five books, was born in Hollywood, California, in 1936, and raised in New York City, where her father, Cedric Belfrage founded, in 1948, the independent weekly radical newspaper The National Guardian. She went to Bronx Science High School, and briefly attended Hunter College before moving to London in 1955 when her parents were deported under the provisions of the McCarran Act. In London, she attended the London School of Economics and worked in publishing. In 1957 she attended the World Youth Festival in Moscow, where she then worked (editing English translations of Tolstoy) and lived for the better part of a year. Her experiences were the subject of her first book, A Room in Moscow (1958). Much of the years 1959-1962 were spent traveling, first in the Near East, then throughout Europe with Benjamin Sonnenberg, founder of the magazine Grand Street, before moving to New York in mid-1962. Her next book, Freedom Summer (1965) resulted from her participation in the SNCC-sponsored Freedom Summer organizing drive of 1964 Democratic National Convention with the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party delegation.
In November of 1965 Sally married playwright Bernard Pomerance (The Elephant Man). In 1967 her daughter Eve was born, followed in 1969 by her son Moby. After the latter's birth, the four moved to London, which was to remain Sally's home until her death. In 1975 Belfrage and Pomerance were separated, and Pomerance moved to the United States. In 1980 she published Flowers of Emptiness, about her 1976 experiences during a two month visit to a guru's ashram in India. In 1983-1984 Sally was involved in teh Greenham Common Women's Nuclear Disarmament movement. In 1984 she began to visit Belfast, Northern Ireland, to research the effects of the longstanding civil conflict on Catholic and Protestant women. The resulting book, The Crack (Living with War): a Belfast Year, was published in 1987. The remainder of Belfrage's life was spent travelling and writing her last book, Un-American Activities (1994), which described her coming of age in the anti-communist 1950s. She died of cancer in London in March, 1994.
Sally Mary Caroline Belfrage, independent leftist, world traveling journalist, and author of five books, was born in Hollywood, California on October 4, 1936. The daughter of Cedric Belfrage and Molly Castle, two radical British writers, she moved with her family in 1942 to the New York city area where they stayed until 1955. She went to Bronx Science High School, and briefly attended Hunter College. During their time in New York, Cedric started the independent weekly radical newspaper The National Guardian, Cedric and Molly were divorced, Cedric was arrested, and by 1955 both were deported under the provisions of the McCarran Act. Although an American citizen, Sally left with them. In London, she attended the London School of Economics and worked in publishing. In 1957, she attended the World Youth Festival in Moscow, where she then worked (editing English translations of Tolstoy) and lived for the better part of a year. During her stay she took part in a six-week tour of China, and appeared in a Russian movie, "Memories of the Heart."
Upon returning to London, she wrote her first book, A Room in Moscow (1958). While on a 1959 U.S. publicity tour, she befriended folksinger Millard Lampell, who encouraged her to visit Israel. Thus began another year of travels throughout the Near East, during which she worked on a kibbutz, met King Hussein of Jordan, and in 1960 married a Palestinian so he could obtain a U.S. visa. Upon her return from the Near East; she spent the next two years traveling all over Europe (with Benjamin Sonnenberg, founder of the magazine Grand Street) before moving to New York in mid-1962.
In 1963 Belfrage traveled to Georgia and North Carolina to research the civil rights movement, and was inspired to participate in the SNCC-sponsored Freedom Summer organizing drive of 1964. She was assigned to Greenwood, Mississippi where she helped start a literacy school and a community library, participated in a voter registration drive, spent several days in jail, and went to the 1964 Democratic National Convention with the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party delegation. Her memoir Freedom Summer was published in 1965.
In November of 1965 Belfrage married playwright Bernard Pomerance (author of The Elephant Man ). In 1967 her daughter Eve was born, followed in 1969 by her son Moby. After the latter's birth, the four began renting the flat at 51 Randolph Avenue in London that was to remain Sally's home until her death. In 1970, she helped found a community-based "Women's Liberation Group" which remained in operation for more than twenty years. In 1980 she published Flowers of Emptiness, about her 1976 experiences during two-month visit to a guru's ashram in India. In 1975, Sally and Bernard Pomerance separated and he moved to the United States.
In 1983-1984 Belfrage was involved in the Greenham Common Women's Nuclear Disarmament movement, and helped edit its broadsheet "The Greenham Factor." Also in 1984, she began to visit Belfast, Northern Ireland, to research the effects of the longstanding civil conflict on Catholic and Protestant women. The resulting book, The Crack: A Belfast Year was published in 1987. The remainder of Belfrage's life was spent traveling and writing her coming of age memoir, Un-American Activities, published in 1994. She died of cancer in London in March 1994.
(Compiled by S.B. c. 1993; a copy is in Box 1, folder 1)
C = Cedric Belfrage; M = Mary Beatrice Pigott; S = Sally Belfrage; N = Nicky; BP = Bernardo Pomerance
1903 : Mary Beatrice Pigott (M) born Wallasey
1904 : Cedric Henning Belfrage (Cedric) born London
1926 : Cedric, having run away from Cambridge, goes to Hollywood. Penniless, writes for film-fan mags. Job with Sam Goldwyn. Marries Virginia Bradford (Estes), silent film star.
WHAT'S BEST TO EAT? S. Henning Belfrage, M.D. (London), MRCS, LRCP, 1926 (also one of many books, mostly expounding his theories to do with constipation)
1934? Cedric & Mary meet aged 30 & 31, both coming out of failed marriages (hers to a rich conventional businessman), both working for Beaverbrook's DAILY EXPRESS - he as film and drama critic, she doing William Hickey (society gossip) then her own women's page. Cedric goes off around the world, regrets it - misses Mary.
1935 : Cedric & Mary in London together doing journalism; he writes book about world trip. Then he is itchy again.
1936 : Cedric & Mary married in Jan, go round world together via USSR, China, South Seas. Fred (S) born Hollywood/Vine Oct 4. Cedric & Mary build art-deco house in wilderness, Laurel Canyon, on proceeds of: Cedric: AWAY FROM IT ALL: An Escapologist's Notebook (best seller).
Mary: AROUND THE WORLD WITH AN APPETITE (jokey travel-cookbook)(not)
1937-38 : They join CP, can't handle subjection to party line, lapse after 3 months. Keep the faith and party friends.
Cedric: PROMISED LAND (novel about Hollywood)
Mary: THIS IS WHERE WE CAME IN about her life up to and including Cedric.
1939 : Trip to England to visit friends and relations.
Cedric: THEY ALL HOLD SWORDS (autobiography not published in Britain out of deference to his mother)
1940 : Nicky (N) born July 19. Cedric does agitprop book with (and signed by) T Dreiser, AMERICA IS WORTH SAVING.
Cedric: LET MY PEOPLE GO (biography of Rev. Claude Williams)
1941 : Cedric starts work on ABIDE WITH ME about Forest Lawn.
1942 : Move to Riverdale, NYC, to small apt. Sally to kindergarten at PS 81; Nicky at nursery school. Cedric to work for British Intelligence at Rockefeller Center; has affair there with "Truda". Mary home being a mad housewife: period described in New Winds are Blowing (pub 46)
1943 : Sally skips grade 2A! In summer all to Aloha Manor, a family camp in Vermont
1944 : Move to Finney Farm, Croton-on-Hudson. Cedric to Europe for l8 months: England, France, then Germany: working under Eisenhower, hires staff to restart Aachener Nachtrichten and Frankfurter Rundschau. Mary working on various mags, commuting irregularly to city. Sally and Nicky to progressive school, Hessian Hills. Dilsey Lee takes care of us
1945 : More of same
1946 : Cedric back from the wars bearing trophies: swords, daggers and Nazi party cards. Lives with us in Croton for "trial" year (marriage really over). Anne Marie: "governess". Cedric writes SEEDS OF DESTRUCTION about his work de-nazifying the German press; book w/ Guggenheim, but he can't publish till '54 on the left fringe. Cedric also picks up work again on ABIDE WITH ME (now pointless due to gossip reaching E Waugh who therefore has got there first).
1947 : Anne born in May, NYC. Soon afterwards Anne Marie returns with her to Paris. Sally to Indian Brook summer camp (1st year of 4); Mary & Nicky to Cape Cod.
Cedric: ABIDE WITH ME [Yr?]
1948 : Cedric tries to get new weekly newspaper together with Jim Aronson. Comes to Croton less and less. Meets Jo Martin, medical student of 33 and moves into her railroad apt. at 210 E 65. Oct: Guardian first issue. Mary: writes radio scripts for Carlton Fredericks. Ghost-writes psychiatric books.
1949 : FBI comes knock-knock-knockin. Mary: tries to think up name for new Faberge perfume
1950 : Cedric summoned to NY Immigration Service, told he is being "investigated" and asked to answer questions on his "views, associations and writings." Said he would not; nothing further heard. Cedric's father Sidney dies.
1951 : Therefore Cedric's widowed mum, Granny, comes to spend spring months at Finney Farm before taking Sally back on the boat with her for a summer of visiting relatives. Sally falls in love with first cousin. Sally falls in love with Christ. Returns home to find less a home than a moving van outside 500 Kappock Street. Cat escapes. Mary takes Sally to aptitude-testing bureau which results in Science. Sally gets baptised by Claude Williams and confirmed in Episcopal church. VERY pious and sanctimonious. Friends with Vicki Mesiano [Debbi Giglio].
1952 : Witch-hunt decimating the left. Cedric feverishly at work on Guardian. Mary working for N.Y. Times Magazine, then McCall's. Sally at Science, Nicky at PS 7. Summer at Fire Island chasing George.
1953 : Cedric & Mary finally divorced. Cedric appears before HUAC; declines to answer questions. Further subpoenaed to appear before McCarthy committee. Arrested next day on deportation warrant, held at Ellis Island. Rosenbergs executed. Mary fired from McCalls after the FBI pays a call (unknown to her). Gets work editing Health Digest. Sally at Fire Island again staying with Wolbergs - 2 psychiatrists and 2 daughters, old friends from Croton - job at nursery school. PC from friend Lee about Gene [Dan], her new West Point boyfriend. Home again: blind date with Lee and Gene; swipe Gene from Lee. Sally cheerleader.
1954 : Sally pinned to Gene. Weekends at WP or w/ G and mom in the city. Toy with conversion to Judaism. G-Mom nixes it. Mary deportation hearing. Sally graduates from Science. Summer job with J.C.Penney. Get pregnant. Start Hunter. Sept-Oct: Cedric's deportation hearing on charge of alleged CP membership in 37-38. Oct 2: Sally does it. Oct 4: Sally's 18th birthday/morning sickness/move to Cedric and Jo's at 65th St. Oct 5: Mary and Nicky deported on Queen Elizabeth. Oct 7: Sally to Long Island for illegal abortion. Oct 9: home to airshaft. Dec 9: Cedric deportation ordered; appeal announced.
1955 : Cedric arrested May 13: 3 months in West Street Jail, no bail. Jo doing medical internship. Sally wasting time at Hunter, weekends at WP. Gene being militarily engaged for summer, Sally goes to London to visit Mary & Nicky . Mary working in British women's mags. Cedric's deportation goes through; he and Jo arrive in London August. Sally decides not to go back to NY after all. (Never informs Hunter: dishonorable discharge.) Cedric, Jo & Sally find flat at 16 Talbot Sq. Cedric as "Editor-in-exile" of Guardian travels round Europe. J studies for new set of medical exams. Sally gets job with John Calder Publishers as "junior" for 4-pounds-10 a week.
1956 : May: Mary marries Bill Tucker (WET), orthopedic surgeon/ex-athlete. Goes to live in luxury (N too) in Grosvenor Square with frequent trips to Bermuda; still does magazine work and books on health and beauty. Sally gets engaged (ring, the works) to Jim Chesterman, publishing gentleman. Quits Calder; goes to work as apprentice book designer at Cassell & Co.
1957 : Sally breaks off engagement to JC when he decides to return to his family business in Sheffield. Art Dept of Cassell's dissolved in favor of boss's son taking over. Sally, typography career over, unable to afford to live in Paris, uses 50 pound savings for World Youth Festival in Moscow (47 pound). Cedric there too. Sally falls for Vladimir Pozner and determines to stay. Offer of bed and board from family of Ralph Parker, Daily Worker correspondent. Meanwhile all Festival Americans invited to China (illegal: letters from State Dept threaten jail and fines). Sally takes trial ms. (Tolstoy) from Foreign Languages Publishing House on trans-Siberian train. After 6 weeks all over China, during which 41 US students assault one another looking for the FBI plant, back to Moscow. OK for job. Move in with Parkers - share room with student stepdaughter. Fail to get on with Mrs P; publishing house arranges room in communal flat. Very cold, Moscow. No see Pozner again for 30 years.
1958 : As Sally's passport about to expire, meets Joe David Brown, Time correspondent and novelist, at a 3rd-world embassy reception. He acts as go-between with US embassy; reports she must leave or be considered a defector. They start an affair and go back to London, where he lives, together. US publisher offers cash for possible book; Joe eggs Sally on to do it. Sally does it. Joe and Sally part after he reveals he was sent to Moscow by the CIA to get her out. Book big hit: serialized, 9 translations, attacked on both sides of curtain. Sally, solvent at last, signs on at London School of Economics. Has good time in London with Tynans, Frank Norman, also boyfriend who resides above Foreign Office in Downing St. Supreme Court finally allows passports to all Americans: droves of visiting lefties at 16 TS. Everyone spends Sundays at Don Stewart & Ella Winter.
1959 : LSE starts to pall. Israeli Mapam party chum of Cedric's invites Sally to write about kibbutzim. Bill Pirie comes bearing mescaline: many parties. Sally falls for visiting NY pal of Cedric's, Mill. Goes to NY for US publication and to see Mill, who encourages Israeli trip and works deal with Isr. embassy; also introduces her to Eleanor Roosevelt. ER says "You really ought to go to the Arab countries first to see what Israel was built out of." On strength of this Mill gets Israeli embassy to pay for ticket to Cairo. Late spring Sally leaves for tour of Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Israel. Intended 2 weeks in Arab countries extends to 2 months as Palestinian situation becomes clearer. Israel: work in various kibbutzim picking onions, pruning citrus trees, etc, plus travels throughout meeting Israelis and Palestinians; back on circuit of Arab countries; Israel again. Accused of spying for everyone. Meanwhile Cedric in Tashkent and Jo back to NY to care for suddenly orphaned nephews; when Cedric returns, Mary Bernick (L.A. schoolteacher on sabbatical) appears at Talbot Square to pick up slack. Nicky student at Antioch (briefly).
1960 : Jan: Sally marries Sari Nashashibi, a Palestinian, to enable him to get US visa. Continues tour, then back to Israel for more agriculture and people meetings. Home after a year. Sally tries to write novel since Palestinians are unpopular as straight subject. Fails to consider can't write novel. Friends with Kathrin Perutz. Jo and Cedric call it quits; Cedric moves to Havana with Mary. Sally depressed, accepts invites everywhere to distract, Rome, Paris, Copenhagen, Klosters (skiing with rich and famous). Will she ever write again? Nicky ships out as seaman; then starts French degree at London U.
1961 : Sally start of 30-year-plus affair with Mr. X. Also meets Ben Sonnenberg: to Berlin then boat around Cyclades. Fancy hotels, meals, clothes. End up in his place on Costa del Sol where we write our fictions and live a worse one. Granny dies Aug age 87. Divorce from Sari comes through ("I divorce her I divorce her I divorce her"). Sally gets hepatitis, recovers in record time. Bull fights with Tynans. Fancy abortion in London. Trips to Paris, etc., back to Spain. Cedric and Mary tour Latin America studying effects of Cuban revolution.
1962 : To NY with Ben. Put up at Tuscany Hotel; meet Bernardo in breakfast crowd. Cuba to visit Cedric and Mary. Decide not to rejoin Ben, who meantime has returned to Europe. Get job at Double- day Bookstore 6 nights/week, $37.50. Write in daytime. Live with lawyer, Michael Standard, in the Bowery. Leave Standard. Meet Palmer Weber through Jules Feiffer. Temporary accommodations in Central Park West in Yip Harburg's apt. (found by PW) and new job (found by PW) as assistant to Fred Wiseman on The Cool World. Start 3-year flat-share with Alexandra Emmet, 186 E 75. Sept: Travel around Mexico with Cedric and Mary. Trip to London - Ben. Nicky starts year's teaching in rural France.
1963 : Sally still at 186 but lives mostly with Alan Arkin in Brooklyn Heights for duration (3 months?) of newspaper strike. Job (PW again) doing guidebooks to UN and DC, without getting to go there. Ben visits. Mother's mother (Piggy) dies at 87. Sally meets John Gunther for start of friendship to his death 8 years later. Trip to Georgia, North Carolina etc. to do articles on civil rights movement (New Republic). Sister Anne comes to stay and eats nothing, faints a lot. Take her to DC (finally Sally checks out guidebooks) for huge civil rights march; she faints as Martin Luther King begins about his dream. Trip with her and Nick to Mexico in Aug to stay with Cedric and Mary at Carlos Fuentes' place, and Acapulco. Anne continues fast. London in Sept to see Ben. NY: Sally takes up with Albert Finney (Luther), also Deric Washburn (Deer Hunter). Sally begins work as reader at New American Library, with arrangement to be fired after 6 months for unemployment ins. Bermuda for Xmas to visit Mary and Bill. Nicky back at London U.
1964 : Cedric and Mary find house in Cuernavaca. Albert dislikes sharing with Ben and Deric. Mar-Apr at MacDowell Colony. Upon arrival, news that Ben has suddenly married Wendy Adler. Catatonia. Anne comes again, eating this time - job at Guardian. Sally arranges trip to Miss. for Freedom Summer to try to get lynched. Greenwood. Forget about being lynched. Write book, living at 186. Spend much time with Gunther and Weber. Re-meet Bernard Pomerance through K Perutz.
1965 : [Malcolm X killed Feb.] Sally continues FS at MacDowell and 186. Bernardo Pomerance moves in. Anne for summer at the Guardian. Sally works at NAL again; same arrangement. Alexandra marrying, have to leave 186, move to 16 Charles St. with Bernardo Pomerance. Married: Nov 21. Mexico. Nicky chucks in Ph.D. on Camus and writes novel.
1966 : Feb: Cedric has thrombosis in Mexico. (Nick there, meets 8 year old Candida.) Sally and Bernardo Pomerance to Bermuda. Sally works for R Peter Straus on project for abortive book, You Can Beat City Hall. Trip to Detroit to interview Rosa Parks. Pregnant.
1967 : Eve born March 2. Pram pushing around the Village with Annie Navasky and Dinky Romilly. Mexico. Nicky job: British Travel Assoc. Mary writes English Vogue health and beauty stuff.
1968 : [Martin Luther King killed April] May: move to London, 16 Talbot Square again. holiday Wales. Pregnant. Nicky marries Baiba Krumins.
1969 : [Fred Hampton and Mark Clark killed] Moby born Feb 1 at 16 TS. Sally: suspected cancer of cervix: operations at Royal Free. Sally to Mexico with both kids (BP to Chicago). Move to 51 Randolph Ave in Dec. Nicky opens first shop, wine and food.
1970 : Women's Liberation group starts at Belsize Lane (which continues to present day).
1971 : John Simon and Carol Cina come to live with Sally and Bernardo Pomerance. Sally passes driving test.
Bernardo Pomerance: VIETNAM PLAYS
1972 : NY to visit dying mother-in-law Harriet. She dies April, age 57. Holiday in Devon.
Bernardo Pomerance: FOCO NOVO
1973 : Spirlonga holiday. Meet Rose Kendall.
WET (with help from Mary and Jo): HOME TREATMENT AND POSTURE
1974 : Neil Johnston and Denise Gordon to live with Sally and Bernardo Pomerance. Ibiza holiday. Nov: Sally decides to get rid of Bernardo Pomerance.
1975 : [West Street Jail closes.] Sally resumes affair with Mr X after 7 year break. Holiday with Victor Rabinowitz and Joanne Grant in Portugal. Maria Isabel Barreno. Bernardo Pomerance. moves out in Sept.
1976 : Sally: affair with Horacio. Summer in India with Dinah and Judith; kids in Portugal. Then Sally and kids to County Mayo for holiday with Anne Marie. Snooker table moves into 51.
1977 : Sally meets Joep: lots of Holland and meetings (e.g. in Anne Marie's Brittany place). Summer: safari in Kenya with kids and Lee Pomerance, BP's archaeologist father. Kids to Portugal; Sally gets malaria. Snooker t moves out. Sundays at Don and Ella's. B: ELEPHANT MAN
1978 : Walter Bernstein: Paris, NY. Summer: China with remnants of '57 group. Horacio rapes flat. Xmas in East Hampton with Rabinowitzes. Lots of Ella.
1979 : Sally to Hollywood with Walter, later NY. Sally to MacDowell Colony to write Flowers of Emptiness with kids at S's old camp in Vermont. Mike Yocum. Ella.
1980 : Don Stewart & Ella Winter die. Sally meets Helena Kennedy (through Leonard Boudin). Sally spends summer with Dave Hobson in Bonsall, Derbyshire; kids with Bernardo Pomerance. Xmas: Combecave, N's place in the Lot, with whole family.
1981 : John Marquand (JPM): Martha's Vineyard. Cedric has stroke: Sally to NY with Nick and Anne to see him. Hollywood?
1982 : Martha's Vineyard at JPM's house. Winter: Sally to West Indies with JPM.
1983 : end JPM. Sally to Godson Keir Kennedy Mitchell birth June 21. MacDowell to work on memoir. Harvey Oxenhorn. Accumulation of visits to Greenham Common (women's peace camp) lead to the making of the Greenham Factor. Sally to Cambridge MA to visit Harvey. Eat grapes for a month.
1984 : July on: Sally goes every month to Belfast. Bill Mason dies. Cedric, no longer able to write, translates Eduardo Galeano trilogy.
1985 : Sally to Belfast till July. Combecave with Nick & Baiba, whose marriage on rocks. Then Sally to MacD to work on The Crack. B: MELONS
Cedric: GENESIS (translation of vol l of MEMORY OF FIRE)
1986 : Sally to Annamakerrig to work on The Crack. Helena marries Iain Hutchison. Clio born 29 Oct. Palmer Weber dies. Sally to NY for his memorial. B hooks up with Rose Kendall (year?)
1987 : Gene to London, reunion. Sally to Bermuda-Mexico-Bermuda. Death of Mary. Eve moves to Camden to share flat with Mahabee. Sally rendezvous with Gene: London, San Francisco, Hurley, Boston. (Book publicity tour NY-Chicago-SF)
Cedric: FACES AND MASKS (translation, vol 2)
1988 : Bernardo and Rose move to NM. Sally & Gene: Belfast, DC. Gene end. With Sylvia & Moby to Amsterdam for Victor 4 retrospective. Beatriz born June 20. Nicky & Candida marry. Moby round the world July. Sally to Combecave with Cedric and Mary and French lot. Sally to NY: Lee Pomerance dies Nov 11. Xmas Cuernavaca.
Cedric: CENTURY OF THE WIND (vol 3)
1989 : Moby leaves for Berklee College of Music, Boston. 20 May: birth of Roland Hutchison. June: Sally to civil rights conference at U.Va. July: Bernardo Pomerance and Rose stay at 51: Rose & Sally watch Wimbledon, Bernardo Pomerance watches Mick (new love). Aug: Sally to Cuernavaca. R D Laing and Leonard Boudin die. Sally to Cuernavaca Nov & Dec.
1990 : Sally to Poland in Feb. Sally & Eve to Scotland in June, seeking Belfrages. Sally to Paris (with Sylvia) to visit Anne. May: Boston-NY with Moby, moving him. Eve leaves Clive; moves to Golborne Rd. Harvey dies. June 21: Cedric dies. July: Anne and Sally stay with Nicky & C in Fulham. Sally to Oxfordshire, and Belfast in Aug. Mr. X. 30th anniv. Ardeche with Brian Inglis Aug-Sept. NY in Nov for Cedric memorial - Eve and Moby, Nick. NY again Dec for Jo's 75th. Builders at 51 making new flat.
Sally: FREEDOM SUMMER reissued.
1991 : New flat finished. Ixta born, April 26. Sally to Moscow in May with Michael Seifert. Jerusalem in July with Elfi Pallis, Ghada Karmi, Geo Joffe, Rami Heilbronn. Oxfordshire. Bill Tucker dies. Ardeche with Brian.
1992 : Combecave N.Year. and Sally to Paris to visit ill Anne Marie and move her flat. NY Jan. John Simon & Joanne Grant visit. Paris with Eve: Anne & AM, April. Eve moves with Busby to Kensal Rise. Ernie Eban's April fool. Jo & Bob to stay. NY & E. Hampton: Sally with Mo and Joanne; then MacDowell. Ardeche with Brian. Anne Marie dies: Paris funeral Aug 18. Decca & Bob. John Sally again.
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American literature
African Americans
Anti-communist movements
Anti-communist movements
Civil rights workers
Women civil rights workers
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Greenham Common Women's Peace Camp
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