Kurtz, Charles M. (Charles McMeen), 1855-1909

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Kurtz, Charles M. (Charles McMeen), 1855-1909

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Kurtz, Charles M. (Charles McMeen), 1855-1909

Kurtz, Charles M.

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Kurtz, Charles M.

Kurtz, Charles M. 1855-1909.

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Kurtz, Charles M. 1855-1909.

Kurtz, C. M. 1855-1909

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Kurtz, C. M. 1855-1909

Kurtz, C. M. 1855-1909 (Charles McMeen),

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Kurtz, C. M. 1855-1909 (Charles McMeen),


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Biographical History

Charles M. Kurtz, first director of the Albright Art Gallery, played a prominent role as an administrator, patron, and promoter of the arts in the United States during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Kurtz first came to Buffalo, New York, in 1884 when, as general manager of the American Art Union, he helped organize an exhibition for the Buffalo Fine Arts Academy. He served as art director for numerous expositions and art fairs, including the Southern Exposition in Louisville, Kentucky (1883-1886), the World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago (1891-1893), the St. Louis Annual Expositions (1894-1899) and the United States Commission to the Paris Exposition of 1900. He was offered the directorship of Buffalo's Pan American Exposition but was unable to accept due to poor health. In 1905, the Buffalo Fine Arts Academy appointed Kurtz as the first director of the newly built Albright Art Gallery. During his tenure, he organized the inaugural loan exhibition, the first of many watercolor exhibitions, and the first annual American exhibition. He was also editor of the Academy's publications, Academy Notes and the Blue Book. In 1909, he assisted the Hispanic Society of America with their major exhibition on the artist, Joaquín Sorolla. Before the opening, Kurtz suddenly became very ill and died on March 21st.--Biographical information adapted from original Albright-Knox Art Gallery finding aid.

From the description of Charles M. Kurtz records, 1905-1909. (Albright-Knox Art Gallery). WorldCat record id: 660830527

American art critic, editor, collector, dealer, and director of numerous arts organizations and expositions, such as the Southern Exposition in Louisville, Kentucky, 1883-86, the St. Louis Exposition, 1894-99, and the Buffalo Fine Arts Academy (later the Albright Art Gallery), 1905-09.

From the description of Charles M. Kurtz papers, 1870-1910. (Getty Research Institute). WorldCat record id: 83029400

Biographical/Historical Note

Charles M. Kurtz (1855-1909) was the director of the Albright Gallery and Buffalo Arts Academy from 1905-1909. He was also an art critic, collector, and art director of the St. Louis Exposition of 1894 and of other art fairs and expositions.

From the guide to the Charles M. Kurtz archive, 1870-1910, (Getty Research Institute)

Charles M. Kurtz's name is known to many scholars and students of American art history. To some he is important for his critical writings, others are interested in his management of exhibitions for the Art Union and the American Art Association. Many are aware of him because of his publication of National Academy Notes, which continued for nine years. Still others are familiar with Kurtz in his role as an art administrator for late 19th century art exhibitions like those at the 1893 Columbian Exposition in Chicago and the St. Louis Fair, or for his accomplishments as the first director of the Albright Gallery in Buffalo, New York. Sometimes researchers have become familiar with his name through the sale catalogue for his considerable collection, which was sold at auction after his death in 1909. His career, which encompassed the last quarter of the nineteenth century and the first decade of the twentieth century, touched on virtually every aspect of art in America during that period.

Born in 1853 to Davis Brook Kurtz (1826-1906), an attorney, and Julia Wilder, Charles Kurtz enjoyed a genteel upbringing. The Kurtz family originated in Darmstadt, Germany, and migrated to America in the eighteenth century. D.B. Kurtz, a leading member of the Lawrence County bar, was also a vice-president of the National Bank of Lawrence County, Pennsylvania. As a local representative of many important railroad and business interests, he accumulated assets estimated at one million dollars by the time of his death, just three years before that of his son, Charles, the eldest of his five children. Unlike his brothers Louis, who also became an attorney, and Edward, a professor at Columbia University, Charles eschewed a professional career to enter the art world, as did his sisters Emily, an artist, and Catherine, a musician.

After his graduation from Washington and Jefferson College in Washington, Pennsylvania, Kurtz visited the Centennial Exposition, held in 1876 in Philadelphia, before coming to New York to study art at the National Academy of Design. These two activities foreshadowed the direction that his career would eventually take. As the chronology indicates, his early efforts revolve around writing for a variety of publications, most notably, his own National Academy Notes . In 1881 he took what was to be the first of many trips abroad to survey the art scene in Europe. Later in his career, his fascination with foreign art and his own entrepeneurial interests led him to become an outspoken opponent of tariffs on imported art.

Kurtz's personal life changed significantly in 1884 when he met Julia Stephenson, a physician's daughter and fledging art student from Harrodsburg, Kentucky. Throughout their courtship and after their marriage the couple was frequently separated. Consequently, they wrote lengthy letters which document not only their personal relationship but also Kurtz's aspirations and activities in the art world.

With his appointment as one of Halsey C. Ives's (1847-1911) chief assistants of the Fine Arts Department of the World's Columbian Exposition in 1891, Charles Kurtz's career achieved international stature. Among the most notable European artists he introduced into this country through circulating exhibitions were the Glasgow School, the Danish School, the Hungarian artist, Mihaly Munkacsy, and the subject of his final exhibition, the Spanish artist, Sorolla.

Throughout his life, Kurtz was plagued by health problems and, in 1899, illness forced him to resign as Assistant Director of Fine Arts for the United States for the Paris Exposition of 1900. Throughout the following decade, his work was increasingly interrupted by ill health. His death in 1909 at the age of 54, while sudden, was not entirely unexpected. However it most certainly cut short a cosmopolitan career that encompassed virtually every aspect of the art world and the pertinent issues of the day.

Kurtz is remembered for his editorial work with the National Academy of Design; as Art Director for the Southern Exposition, 1883-1886, and the St. Louis Exposition, 1894-1899 (where he introduced the Glasgow School of Painting); and as Assistant Chief/Director for the World's Columbian Exposition, the 1900 Paris Exposition, and the 1904 Louisiana Purchase Exposition. He was also director of the Buffalo Fine Arts Academy.

1855 Charles McMeen Kurtz born 1876 receives B.S. degree from Washington and Jefferson College, Washington, Pennsylvania 1876 78 studies at the National Academy of Design, N.Y. with Lemuel Wilmarth and William Morgan; writes a column, "New York Letters," for The Courant published in New Castle, Pennsylvania 1878 edits a small daily paper published during a "National Camp Meeting for the promotion of Holiness" held that summer in New Castle, Pa.; its critical stance resulted in his public denouncement and earned him a reputation as a journalist in western Pennsylvania; receives M.A. from Washington and Jefferson College 1878 79 becomes the local editor of The Guardian of New Castle 1879 publishes The Daily Reporter, a financial success 1881 publishes the first issue of National Academy Notes; travels in Europe, spending time in England, Holland, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, Italy and France (Paris) 1881 82 prepares Illustrated Notes for Metropolitan Museum of Art exhibition 1882 writes "Art Notes" in The New York Tribune and resigns Dec. 23rd 1882 83 accepts position to write for Music and Drama, a new daily paper 1883 becomes the general manager of the American Art Union; exhibits a large collection of Art Union paintings in Buffalo, N.Y. and Louisville, Ky., where they became part of the Southern Exposition's first great art display 1883 86 accepts offer to become Director of the Art Department, Southern Exposition, Louisville, Kentucky 1884 edits Art Union magazine until December; applies for position to head the Art Department of the New Orleans World's Fair in September 1884 86 accepts a position offered by the American Art Association; terminates uncongenial relationship in March, 1886 1885 writes catalogues for the sale of the George Seney Collection and for the Watts exhibition at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York; October 1, marries Julia Stephenson (1861-1931), daughter of Dr. A. T. Stephenson of Harrodsburg, Kentucky; they had two daughters who survived them: Julia Wilder Kurtz (1889-1977), and Isabella Starkweather Kurtz (1901-1991); another daughter, Elizabeth Stephenson Kurtz (1886-1897), predeceased them 1886 terminates employment with the Art Association; daughter, Elizabeth Stephenson Kurtz, born 1886 87 manages the circulation of Mihaly Munkacsy's Christ Before Pilot for Charles Sedelmeyer to American venues: New York, Boston, St. Louis, Cincinnati, Kansas City, Minneapolis, Saint Paul, Nashville, Phildelphia, Indianapolis; tour generates $90,000 in ticket receipts 1889 91 February 24, appointed art critic ("Art Notes") and book reviewer for New York Daily Star; later literary and art editor of the Sunday Star 1890 writes for the Sunday edition The Press, a New York paper 1891 writes for The World; art editor for The New York Recorder; contributes to the New York Truth 1891 93 contributes to Chicago Evening Post ; writes artist biographies for The Chicago Graphic, a regional magazine; appointed Assistant Chief of the Department of Fine Arts of the World's Columbian Exposition 1894 contributes column, "Art at the Exposition" to St. Louis Life 1895 tours Denmark, Scotland, and France during the summer on behalf of the St. Louis Exposition 1894 99 appointed Director of the Art Department of the St. Louis Annual Exposition 1896 elected member of The Japan Society, London 1897 daughter, Elizabeth (Daisy), dies 1898 receives a diploma and medal "in recognition of valuable services in connection with the Fine Arts Exhibit" from the directors of the Trans-Mississippi International Exposition, Omaha 1899 appointed Assistant Director of Fine Arts for the United States Commission to the Paris Exposition of 1900; resigned in July due to ill health 1901 04 appointed Assistant Chief of the Department of Art of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, August 1901 daughter, Isabella Starkweather Kurtz, born 1902 receives honorary Ph.D from Washington and Jefferson College "in recognition of distinguished ability and services as an art critic and writer" 1905 receives the cross of the Order of Merit from Prince Ferdinand of Bulgaria; appointed Director, Buffalo Fine Arts Academy and Albright Art Gallery, Buffalo, New York, in January; exhibits Glasgow paintings at Albright Art Gallery from November until the following April 1906 writes Academy Notes, a bulletin pubished by the Buffalo Fine Arts Academy and the Albright Art Gallery; father, D.B. Kurtz, dies in Newcastle, Pennsylvania 1907 accused of importing German pictures free of duty for exhibition purposes and then selling some for profit 1908 Honorary Doctor of Philosophy degree conferred by Washington and Jefferson College 1909 Charles M. Kurtz dies in Buffalo, New York on March 21 1910 Sale of the private collection of Charles M. Kurtz at auction, Fifth Avenue Art Galleries, February 24-25 1931 Widow, Julia Stephenson Kurtz dies October 30 1977 Daughter, Julia Wilder Kurtz, dies 1991 Daughter, Isabel Starkweather Kurtz, dies in Buffalo, N.Y.; remaining Charles M. Kurtz Papers bequeathed to the Archives of American Art and the National Academy of Design, New York From the guide to the Charles M. Kurtz papers, 1843-1990, bulk 1884-1909, (Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution)



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Art criticism

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Glasgow school of painting

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Painting, American




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