California Post-Secondary Education Commission
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California Post-Secondary Education Commission
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Name :
California Post-Secondary Education Commission
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Biographical History
The California Postsecondary Education Commission (CPEC) was established in 1974 as the successor to the Coordinating Council for Higher Education (CCHE). The latter was established as part of the 1960 Master Plan for Higher Education. CPEC is responsible for the planning and coordinating of education beyond high school by providing the following: policy analyses, advice, and recommendations to the Legislature and the Governor on statewide policy and funding; review proposed new academic and vocational education facilities and programs; recommend the need for and location of new campuses and off-campus centers; operate a statewide postsecondary information system; evaluation of segmental budget requests; development and update of the five-year plan for post-secondary education; and publication of reports on the condition of private educational institutions. The Commission operates under a board of trustees with 16 members.
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Staff report series (California Postsecondary Education Commission)