Alpha Delta Pi Sorority. Omicron Chapter (Duke University)
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Alpha Delta Pi Sorority. Omicron Chapter (Duke University)
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Name :
Alpha Delta Pi Sorority. Omicron Chapter (Duke University)
Exist Dates
Biographical History
On June 2, 1911, the Omicron Chapter of Alpha Delta Pi was the first sorority to install a national chapter on the Trinity College (now Duke University) campus.
On June 2, 1911, the Omicron Chapter of Alpha Delta Pi was the first sorority to install a national chapter on the Trinity College (now Duke University) campus. The six charter members were: Fannie Kilgo, Emma McCullen, Mildred Sinclair, Sally Smith, Annie St. George, and Lizzie Wren. Early members of Alpha Delta Pi were fortunate enough to live together in their first chapter house, Kilgo House. Mordecai House and Southgate Hall later housed the sorority. In 1930, chapter members moved into the dormitories around East campus and chose Bassett House, where they stayed until 1935. At that time the chapter room was moved into the Panhellenic House (now the East Campus Post Office).
In 1951, Omicron sister Harriet Quillan reigned as the Alpha Delta Pi Centennial Queen. In October of 1986, the sorority celebrated its 75th anniversary with an elegant ball. All national officers, North Carolina Chapter Presidents, and Omicron Alumni were invited. At the 1987 National Summer Convention, President, Sister Morgan Massey accepted the highest scholastic award for a national chapter. At national conventions, the Omicron chapter has won the best pledge program award, the Efficiency Award, the Diamond Four Point Award, and many other awards for excellence. The Diamond Four Point signifies excellence in scholarship, leadership, popularity on campus, and talent.
Alpha Delta Pi places high priority upon scholarship, service to the community, and personal development for each member. There are over 130 chapters throughout the United States and Canada offering programming in key areas such as leadership development, scholarship, alcohol and substance abuse awareness, and current health issues. Collegiate and alumnae members also support philanthropy which includes the Ronald McDonald House Charities.
As of 2003, the Omicron chapter is governed by the Panhellenic Association at Duke University. The chapter does not currently have a chapter room on campus, but holds meetings in the Bryan Center. The sorority is currently active, with members living off-campus.
[Historical note adapted from: and]
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Fraternity songs
Greek letter societies
Initiations (into trades, societies, etc.)
Women college students
Legal Statuses
North Carolina
as recorded (not vetted)