
Name Entries



Name Entries *


Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :


Livius, Titus

Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :

Livius, Titus

Livio, Tito

Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :

Livio, Tito

Livius Patavinus, Titus

Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :

Livius Patavinus, Titus

Tite-Live, 0059? av. J.-C.-0017

Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :

Tite-Live, 0059? av. J.-C.-0017

Livius, Titus Patavinus (59 a.C.-17).

Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :

Livius, Titus Patavinus (59 a.C.-17).

Livius, T. (Titus), 59 v.Chr.-17 n.Chr.

Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :

Livius, T. (Titus), 59 v.Chr.-17 n.Chr.

Livius, 59 f.Kr.-17 e.Kr.

Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :

Livius, 59 f.Kr.-17 e.Kr.


Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :


Livius, Titus, 59 a.C.-17 d.C.

Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :

Livius, Titus, 59 a.C.-17 d.C.

Livy, 57B. C. -A. D. 17

Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :

Livy, 57B. C. -A. D. 17

Livius Titus Patavinus

Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :

Livius Titus Patavinus

Līvijs, 59 p.m.ē.-17 m.ē.

Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :

Līvijs, 59 p.m.ē.-17 m.ē.

Livius, Titus, Roman historian

Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :

Livius, Titus, Roman historian

Lívio, Tito, 64-12 a.C.

Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :

Lívio, Tito, 64-12 a.C.

Livius, Titus (59 a.C.-17).

Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :

Livius, Titus (59 a.C.-17).

Livi, Tit, 59 aC-17 dC

Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :

Livi, Tit, 59 aC-17 dC

Ливий, Тит

Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :

Ливий, Тит

Livius, Titus, ca 59 př. Kr.-ca 17 po Kr.

Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :

Livius, Titus, ca 59 př. Kr.-ca 17 po Kr.

Tito Livio, 59 a.C.-17 d.C

Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :

Tito Livio, 59 a.C.-17 d.C

Livii, Tit

Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :

Livii, Tit

Livy, 0059? av. J.-C.-0017

Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :

Livy, 0059? av. J.-C.-0017

Titus Livius Patavinus, 59 a.C.-17 d.C

Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :

Titus Livius Patavinus, 59 a.C.-17 d.C

Livi, T. 59 aC-17 dC (Tit),

Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :

Livi, T. 59 aC-17 dC (Tit),

Livy, 59 v.Chr.-17 n.Chr.

Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :

Livy, 59 v.Chr.-17 n.Chr.

Livy 59 aC-17 dC

Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :

Livy 59 aC-17 dC

Ливий, Тит 59 p.m.ē.-17 m.ē

Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :

Ливий, Тит 59 p.m.ē.-17 m.ē

Livius, T. 59 aC-17 dC

Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :

Livius, T. 59 aC-17 dC


Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :



Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :


Livi, Titus

Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :

Livi, Titus

Live, Tite

Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :

Live, Tite

Livius, Titus 0059? av. J.-C.-0017

Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :

Livius, Titus 0059? av. J.-C.-0017


Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :


Titus Livi

Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :

Titus Livi

Livi, Tit 0059? av. J.-C.-0017

Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :

Livi, Tit 0059? av. J.-C.-0017

Liwiusz, Tytus.

Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :

Liwiusz, Tytus.

Titus Livius, ca 59 př. Kr.-ca 17 po Kr.

Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :

Titus Livius, ca 59 př. Kr.-ca 17 po Kr.

Liuius, Titus, Patauinus

Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :

Liuius, Titus, Patauinus

Livius, T. (Titus)

Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :

Livius, T. (Titus)

Titus Livius

Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :

Titus Livius

Titus Livius 0059? av. J.-C.-0017

Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :

Titus Livius 0059? av. J.-C.-0017


Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :


Livius, T., 59 f.Kr.-17 e.Kr.

Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :

Livius, T., 59 f.Kr.-17 e.Kr.

Livius, Titus, 59 f.Kr.-17 e.Kr.

Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :

Livius, Titus, 59 f.Kr.-17 e.Kr.

T. Liuius None

Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :

T. Liuius None

Livyus, Titus

Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :

Livyus, Titus

Livio, Tito 0059? av. J.-C.-0017

Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :

Livio, Tito 0059? av. J.-C.-0017

Livi, T. 59 aC-17 dC

Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :

Livi, T. 59 aC-17 dC

Tytus Liwiusz.

Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :

Tytus Liwiusz.

Livius 59 v.Chr.-17 n.Chr

Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :

Livius 59 v.Chr.-17 n.Chr

Livy, ca 59 př. Kr.-ca 17 po Kr.

Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :

Livy, ca 59 př. Kr.-ca 17 po Kr.


Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :


Liwjusz, T.

Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :

Liwjusz, T.

تيتوس ليفيوس None

Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :

تيتوس ليفيوس None

Τίτος Λίβιος

Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :

Τίτος Λίβιος

Tit Livi 59 aC-17 dC

Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :

Tit Livi 59 aC-17 dC

Livio, Tito 59 v.Chr.-17 n.Chr

Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :

Livio, Tito 59 v.Chr.-17 n.Chr

Tite-Live 59 p.m.ē.-17 m.ē

Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :

Tite-Live 59 p.m.ē.-17 m.ē


Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :


Live, Tite- 59 v.Chr.-17 n.Chr

Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :

Live, Tite- 59 v.Chr.-17 n.Chr

Tit Livije

Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :

Tit Livije

Livius, T. Patavinus.

Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :

Livius, T. Patavinus.

Tito Livio

Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :

Tito Livio

Titus Livius Patavinus

Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :

Titus Livius Patavinus

Livius, T.

Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :

Livius, T.


Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :


Tit Livij

Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :

Tit Livij

Тит Ливий

Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :

Тит Ливий

Liviĭ, Tit

Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :

Liviĭ, Tit

Titi Livi

Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :

Titi Livi

Patavinus, Titus Livius

Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :

Patavinus, Titus Livius

Livìj, Tit.

Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :

Livìj, Tit.

ליוויוס, טיטוס

Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :

ליוויוס, טיטוס


Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :


Livi, Tit

Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :

Livi, Tit

Līvijs, Tits, 59 p.m.ē.-17 m.ē.

Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :

Līvijs, Tits, 59 p.m.ē.-17 m.ē.

Livio, Tito 59 aC-17 dC

Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :

Livio, Tito 59 aC-17 dC

Livius Patavinus, Titus, 59 f.Kr.-17 e.Kr.

Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :

Livius Patavinus, Titus, 59 f.Kr.-17 e.Kr.

Liviĭ, Tit

Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :

Liviĭ, Tit

Livius, Titus, 59 aC-17 dC

Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :

Livius, Titus, 59 aC-17 dC

Livio, Tito, 59 f.Kr.-17 e.Kr.

Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :

Livio, Tito, 59 f.Kr.-17 e.Kr.

티투스 리비우스

Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :

티투스 리비우스

Tite-Live, 59 aC-17 dC

Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :

Tite-Live, 59 aC-17 dC

Livius Patavinus, Titus, ca 59 př. Kr.-ca 17 po Kr.

Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :

Livius Patavinus, Titus, ca 59 př. Kr.-ca 17 po Kr.

Livius, Titus 59 p.m.ē.-17 m.ē

Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :

Livius, Titus 59 p.m.ē.-17 m.ē

Livy, 59 p.m.ē.-17 m.ē.

Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :

Livy, 59 p.m.ē.-17 m.ē.


Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :


Livi, Titus 59 aC-17 dC

Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :

Livi, Titus 59 aC-17 dC

טיטוס ליוויוס

Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :

טיטוס ליוויוס

Tite-Live 59 v.Chr.-17 n.Chr

Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :

Tite-Live 59 v.Chr.-17 n.Chr

Livij, Tit

Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :

Livij, Tit

Tite-Live 59 f.Kr.-17 e.Kr

Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :

Tite-Live 59 f.Kr.-17 e.Kr

Tite-Live ca 59 př. Kr.-ca 17 po Kr

Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :

Tite-Live ca 59 př. Kr.-ca 17 po Kr

Livio, Tito, 59 a.C.-17 d.C

Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :

Livio, Tito, 59 a.C.-17 d.C

Livije, Tit

Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :

Livije, Tit

Lívio, Tito

Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :

Lívio, Tito

Livy 59 f.Kr.-17 e.Kr

Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :

Livy 59 f.Kr.-17 e.Kr

Tito-Livio 0059? av. J.-C.-0017

Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :

Tito-Livio 0059? av. J.-C.-0017


Exist Dates

Exist Dates - Date Range







Show Fuzzy Range Fields

Biographical History

Epithet: Roman historian

British Library Archives and Manuscripts Catalogue : Person : Description : ark:/81055/vdc_100000000560.0x00007e

Epithet: Patavinus

British Library Archives and Manuscripts Catalogue : Person : Description : ark:/81055/vdc_100000000443.0x000342



External Related CPF

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Legal Statuses


Convention Declarations


General Contexts

Structure or Genealogies


Identity Constellation Identifier(s)
