Episcopal Churchpeople for a Free Southern Africa

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Episcopal Churchpeople for a Free Southern Africa

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Episcopal Churchpeople for a Free Southern Africa


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active 1961



active 1995


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Biographical History

The Episcopal Churchpeople for a Free Southern Africa has served as a link between Anglicans in Southern Africa and people in the United States by publishing a newsletter, issuing news releases, sponsoring public meetings, preparing and publishing special reports, sponsoring speaking and study tours for Southern Africans, raising funds to support education and provide relief in Southern Africa, and providing aid and counsel to visiting Southern Africans. The organization has encouraged its supporters to contact U.S. political leaders regarding crucial issues.

From the description of Episcopal Churchpeople for a Free Southern Africa records, 1961-1995 (inclusive), 1970-1990 (bulk). (Yale University). WorldCat record id: 702152428 1956 Episcopal Churchmen for South Africa, an organization of Episcopal laypeople, was founded, with headquarters in New York City "to support the work and witness of the Anglican Church of the Province of South Africa, particularly as it faces the doctrine and practice of apartheid." 1966 The international territory of Namibia, formerly known as South West Africa, was a mandate of the United Nations. In 1966 the U.N. stripped the Republic of South Africa of legal authority in the territory, but South Africa maintained de facto control over Namibia and continued to work toward annexation of the territory. 1968 Jan 25 Bishop Robert Mize was advised by South African Department of the Interior that his residence permit would expire in July 1968 1968 Sep 1 The African community of the Old Location at Windhoek, capital of Namibia, was forced to evacuate by the South African government. 1971 Jun 21 World Court affirmed South Africa's presence in Namibia to be illegal and asked that the United Nations not recognize So. Africa's presence and administration 1971 Jun 30 Evangelical Lutheran Ovambo-kavango Church (ELOC) and Evangelical Lutheran Church (ELC) Bishops wrote an open letter to the Prime Minister asking South Africa to withdraw from Namibia on the basis of Human Rights violations 1971 Jul 25 Anglican Bishop Colin O'Brien Winter wrote statement in Support of ELC/ELOC letter 1971 Dec 13 General strike of African workers begun by contract laborers spread throughout country 1972 Feb Bishop Winter and two white assistants, Father S.F. Hayes and David de Beer, received deportation orders to leave Namibia by March 4 at noon 1972 Mar 6 UN Secretary General Kurt Waldheim visited So. Africa to talk to government about Namibia 1972 Apr 2 UN Security Council passed two resolutions reaffirming the occupation of Namibia as illegal and calling for conditions to enable the independence of Namibia 1975 Jun 16 Richard Wood (elected Suffragan Bishop in Damaraland after expulsion of Bishop Winter in 1972) received deportation order to leave Namibia by June 23 1975 Jun 22 Bishop-in-Exile Winter ordained Roger Key and Edward Morrow and admitted James Kauluma as a deacon in England 1975 Sep Kauluma began studies at Union Theological Seminary, NY 1977 ECSA filed requests under the Freedom of Information Act with eight U.S. government agencies for disclosure of their relations with the South African Bureau for State Security. 1977 May Anglican, Lutheran, and Roman Catholic Churches made a joint statement on torture in Namibia 1977 Oct 12 Kauluma ordained as Priest in NY and elected as Bishop Suffragan following resignation of Bishop Richard Wood 1978 Jan 17 Consecration of Kauluma as Bishop Suffragan Elect, the first black Bishop in Namibia1978 JulRev. Edward Morrow, Anglican vicar general, his wife Laureen, and Rev. Heinz Hunke, provincial superior of Roman Catholic order of Mary Immaculate, received orders to leave Namibia within seven days 1978 Council of Churches in Namibia (CCN) formed 1979 May 16 Eight So. African Security Police raided and searched CCN offices looking for "banned literature" 1980 Reports of a death squad and death list organized by So. African government to kill prominent citizens 1980 Nov 19 Bombing of printing press of ELOC at Oniipa, Namibia, (had been previously sabotaged on May 11, 1973) 1981 Jun 18 Bombing of Anglican Mission Seminary Buildings at Odibo, Namibia 1983 Feb 16 The Executive Committee of the CCN sent two open letters: one to Members of the Western Contact Group and one to the Prime Minister of the Republic of South Africa 1984 Episcopal Churchmen for South Africa changed its name to Episcopal Churchpeople for a Free Southern Africa 1984 Mar Anglican, ELOC, and Roman Catholic leaders helped direct a court application for the release of 37 detainees abducted by So. African Defence Forces in a raid on Angola 6 years previously 1986 Jan 23 Arson fire destroyed CCN offices 1986 Apr 29 30 CCN meeting of major political and community groups that support UN resolution 435, resulted in the Ai-gams declaration 1987 Aug German Evangelical Lutheran Church withdrew from CCN 1989 CCN continued to work towards independence in conjunction with UN forces and others 1990 Jan 29-30 Namibian Core-group met in Switzerland, including representatives from WCC and CCN to celebrate successful implementation of UN Resolution 435, completion of repatriation of Namibian exiles, peaceful elections, and the development of a draft for a Namibian Constitution and to discuss future needs and problems 1990 Mar 21 Namibia officially declared independent from South Africa From the guide to the Records of Episcopal Churchpeople for a Free Southern Africa, 1961-1998, (Yale University Divinity School Library)



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South Africa

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United States

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