London Missionary Society: Nottingham auxiliary
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London Missionary Society: Nottingham auxiliary
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London Missionary Society: Nottingham auxiliary
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Biographical History
The Presbyterian Church of England and the Congregational Church in England and Wales merged in 1972 to form the United Reformed Church. The two churches each had tiers of regional organisation. In the East Midlands, the Presbyterian churches were arranged into the Presbytery of Nottingham, while the Congregational Churches were arranged into divisions of the Congregational Union. These organisations were dissolved in 1972 under the provisions of the United Reformed Church Act.
The London Missionary Society was founded by the leaders of the Independent, Anglican and Presbyterian Churches in 1795 (although its name was first used in 1818). The society's missionaries promoted Christianity to communities in Africa, Asia and the South Pacific. The Congregational Church provided the vast majority of missionaries and financial support for the Society's activities. In 1966, the London Missionary Society combined with the Commonwealth Missionary Society to form the Congregational Council for World Mission. It was inaugurated as the Council for World Mission in 1977. The London Missionary Society was supported by hundreds of Congregational churches arranged into auxiliaries that were set up in towns and cities.
The Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Auxiliary (as it was first known) was probably set up in 1894. Meetings were held at the Castle Gate Congregational church or lecture hall in Nottingham. Its function, as stated in 1951, was 'to stimulate interest in the work of the L.M.S. in the churches within the Auxiliary, to arrange central events for this purpose, and to be the governing body in the business affairs of the Auxiliary'. Amongst its many prayer and business meetings, the auxiliary held an anniversary meeting each year. The auxiliary brought together the clergy, congregations, and representatives of Sunday Schools, youth groups, women's groups and prayer unions from most of the town's Congregational churches.
The auxiliary was later renamed the Nottinghamshire Congregational Union County Missionary Sub-Committee and the Overseas Committee of the Nottinghamshire Congregational Union. Following the merger in 1972 of the English Presbyterian and the Congregational Churches to form the United Reformed Church, local missionary work was organised by a sub-committee of the URC District Church Council.
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