Borghi, Armando
Name Entries
Borghi, Armando
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Name :
Borghi, Armando
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Biographical History
Armando Borghi: born in Castelbolognese, Italy 1882, died in Rome 1968; militant anarchist and anarcho-syndicalist; arrested and imprisoned several times for anarchist activities and organizing strikes since 1903; edited L'Aurora Ravenna 1904; member of the Unione Sindicale Italiana (USI) 1912; contributed to Umanità nova Milan 1920; representative of the USI at the COMINTERN congress of 1920; condemned communist authoritarianism and adhered with the USI to the anarcho-syndicalist international; lived in exile in several European countries and left for the USA in 1926; for many years the companion of the anarchist and poetess Virgilia d'Andrea; wrote for L'Adunata dei refrattari; returned to Italy early 1945; contributed again to Umanità nova Rome.
Errico Malatesta: born in Santa Maria Capua Vetere, Italy 1853, died in Rome 1932; anarchist militant and thinker; member of the Naples section of the International Working Men's Association (IWMA); from 1872 member of the Fraternité intime, derived from Bakunin's earlier inner group of 1864; imprisoned many times for his revolutionary activities from 1873 on and repeatedly forced into exile to evade imprisonment; developed in 1876 together with Covelli and Carlo Cafiero a theory of anarchist communism; took part in the abortive uprising of Benevento in the Neapolitan mountains in 1877; published a weekly La Questione Sociale in Florence 1883-1884, resumed in Argentina 1885-1889 and again in Paterson, New Jersey, USA around 1900; opposed the Marxists at the London International Socialist Conference of 1896; prepared the unsuccesful anarchist revolt before and during the Red Week of the Romagna in June 1914; edited Umanità nova Milan/Rome 1920-1921 and Pensiero e Volontà 1924-1926; lived virtually under house arrest during the last years of his life.
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