1881, June 24Born, Indianapolis, Ind.1903B.A., Butler University, Indianapolis, Ind.1904M.A., University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill.1911Ph.D., University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill.1911Married Edith Laura Abbott (died 1913)1913Published
The Confiscation of Property During the Civil War.
Indianapolis: Mutual Printing Co.1917Married Ruth Elaine Painter19181919Shipping expert, United States Shipping Board19201949Professor of history, University of Illinois, Urbana,
Constitutional Problems Under Lincoln. New York:
D. Appleton & Co.19271933Edited with Theodore C. Pease
The Diary of Orville Hickman Browning. (2 vols.)
Springfield, Ill.: Illinois State Historical Library1937Published
The Civil War and Reconstruction. Boston: D.C.
Heath & Co.1941Edited with Jeannette P. Nichols
Democracy in the Middle West 1840-1940 New York:
D. Appleton-Century Co.19451952Published
Lincoln the President. (3 vols.) New York: Dodd,
Mead & Co.1946Published
Lincoln and the South. Baton Rouge: Louisiana
State University Press1947Published
Lincoln the Liberal Statesman. New York: Dodd,
Mead & Co.1953, Feb. 20Died, Urbana, Ill.
Ruth Painter Randall
1892, Nov. 1Born, Salem, Va.1913B.A., Roanoke College, Salem, Va.1914M.A., Indiana University, Bloomington, Ind.1917Married James G. Randall (died 1953)1953Published
Mary Lincoln: Biography of a Marriage. Boston:
Little, Brown and Co.1955Published
Lincoln's Sons. Boston: Little, Brown and
The Courtship of Mr. Lincoln. Boston: Little,
Brown and Co.1959Published
I Mary. Boston: Little, Brown and Co.1960Published
Colonel Elmer Ellsworth. Boston: Little, Brown and
Co.1971, Jan. 22Died, Urbana, Ill.From the guide to the J. G. Randall and Ruth Painter Randall Papers, 1779-1970, (bulk 1916-1970), (Manuscript Division Library of Congress)