Georgia State Board of Pharmacy
Name Entries
Georgia State Board of Pharmacy
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Name :
Georgia State Board of Pharmacy
Exist Dates
Biographical History
The State Board of Pharmacy falls under the office of the Secretary of State in Georgia. No biographical information is available in Robert G. Norton.
Jackson, Edwin L. and Stakes, Mary E. Handbook of Georgia State Agencies. 2d ed. Athens : Carl Vinson Institute of Government, 1988.
Georgia Official and Statistical Register, 1985-88. Atlanta : Department of Archives and History, 1989.
The board was established by the legislature as the board of Pharmaceutic Examiners in 1881, making this one of the oldest examining boards in continuous existence. In 1889 several changes were made in the board, including renaming it the Georgia State Board of Pharmacy.
In 1906 the legislature established a chief food and drug inspector, appointed by and subject to the commissioner of agriculture. Two years later, however, the legislature divided the office creating a chief food inspector and a chief drug inspector. In 1939 the chief drug inspector was removed from the department of agriculture and placed under the pharmacy board.
In 1967 the legislature recompiled the pharmacy and drug laws, placcing them in a new and separate title in Georgia law to which the various code sections and laws pertaining to pharmacists, the chief drug inspector, and drugs were assigned. This action removed the pharmacy board from the list of examining and licensing boards, although the joint-secretary continued to perform various administrative tasks with respect to licensing and pharmacists.
The Executive Reorganization Act of 1972 continued the board, assigning it to the secretary of state for administrative purposes. However, functions of the board to investigate alleged drug violations by persons or firms not licensed by the board were transferred to the Department of Public Safety.
In 1977 the chief drug inspector, assistant inspectors, and drug inspector's office were renamed as the director, agents, and the Georgia Drugs and Narcotics Agency, respectively. The board received its present name in 1981. In July 1978, a consumer member was added to the board, and in 1982 provisions were made for two more pharmacist members.
Legal Authority: O.C.G.A. sec. 26-4-30 through 26-4-41 and O.C.G.A. chap. 16-13.
The State Board of Pharmacy serves as both an examining board and an investigative agency, with broad authority to license, inspect, and regulate the practice of pharmacy and the sale and dispensing of drugs, controlled substances, cosmetics, poisons, and other specified articles and devices.
All applicants for a license to practice pharmacy in Georgia are examined by the board, which issues and renews licenses in conjunction with the joint-secretary, and which prescribes rules of professional conduct. Alleged violations by pharmacists of state law or board regulations are investigated, and after proper hearing and substantiation of charges, the board may reprimand the holder of the license, or limit, restrict, suspend, revoke, or refuse to renew the license. The board is responsible for directing the prosecution of any person found practicing pharmacy without a proper license. In addition to pharmacists, all pharmacies in the state must be licensed and operated under the board's supervision and inspection.
The state pharmacy board regulates the manufacture, marketing, and advertising of drugs and cosmetics, as well as the introduction of new drugs into the state which are not subject to the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. It further establishes rules, sets fees, and registers any person involved in manufacturing, distributing, dispensing, or conducting research with controlled substances within Georgia.
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Pharmacy colleges
Legal Statuses
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