Filmer Stuart Cuckow Northrop (1893-1992) was a philosopher, college professor, and author. A member of the Yale faculty, 1923-1962, in the Department of Philosophy and School of Law, he wrote eight major books, including Science and First Principles (1931) and The Meeting of East and West (1946).
1893born November 271915A.B., Beloit College19151916social work in New York City19171919U.S. Army1919A.M. in Economics, Yale University1919August 6 married Christine Johnston19191920educational secretary International Committee YMCA in Hong Kong1922A.M. in Philosophy, Harvard University19231926Instructor in Philosophy, Yale University1924Ph.D. in Philosophy of Science, Harvard University19261929Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Yale University19291932Associate Professor of Philosophy, Yale University1931published
Science and First Principles19321947Professor of Philosophy, Yale University19401947Master of Silliman College1946published
The Meeting of East and West,
An Inquiry Concerning World Understanding1947published
The Logic of the Sciences and Humanities19471962Sterling Professor of Philosophy and Law, Yale University1952published
The Taming of the Nations, A Study of the Cultural Bases of International Society1953edited
Alfred North Whitehead: An Anthology1954published
European Union and United States Foreign Policy: A Study in Sociological Jurisprudence1959published
The Complexity of Legal and Ethical Experience1960published
Philosophical Anthropology and Practical Politics1962published
Man, Nature and God; A Quest for Life's Meaning1962Sterling Professor of Philosophy and Law emeritus1969death of Christine Johnston Northrop1969married Marjorie Carey
From Who's Who in America, 1978,1979, p. 2415 and Historical Register of Yale University 1937-1951, pp. 241-42.
From the guide to the Filmer Stuart Cuckow Northrop papers, 1914-1992, 1914-1985, (Manuscripts and Archives)