Computer and Communications Industry Association,

Name Entries



Name Entries *

Computer and Communications Industry Association,

Computed Name Heading

Name Components

Name :

Computer and Communications Industry Association,


Exist Dates

Exist Dates - Date Range


active approximately 1940



active 1980


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Biographical History

Computer and Communications Industry Association duplicated and made available to its members court documents from antitrust cases in the computer industry.

From the description of Computer and Communications Industry Association antitrust records, ca. 1940-1980. (University of Minnesota, Minneapolis). WorldCat record id: 63306920

The Computer and Communications Industry Association (CCIA) was involved in the duplicating and making available of court documents of interest to their members. The CCIA assembled the documents, assigned their own numbering scheme, and in some cases created microfiche copies of the records. The most significant lawsuit documented by the CCIA was United States v. International Business Machines Corporation (U.S. District Court, 69 Civ. 200 [DNE]), one of the largest antitrust cases in the United States to be brought to trial. The suit was commenced in January of 1969, although it did not become active until 1972. The trial began on May 19, 1975. The government charged International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) with monopolizing the market for general purpose digital computers, systems, and submarkets for peripherals in violation of section 2 of the Sherman Act. The government abandoned the lawsuit in January 1982.

IBM was involved in a number of antitrust suits throughout the 1970s that were documented by CCIA. Greyhound's suit against IBM came to trial in 1972 and charged IBM with monopolizing the computer leasing market. The court ruled in favor of IBM, though the case was reversed when appealed and settled out of court. IBM v. Telex came to trial in 1973 and accused IBM of monopolizing the "plug compatible" equipment market (tape drives, disk drives, and add-on memories). The district court ruled in favor of Telex, only to be reversed in 1975. California Computer Products (CALCOMP) sued IBM in 1973 and the case went to trial in 1976. The district court dismissed the case after the plaintiff's presentation and that ruling was upheld by the court of appeals. Memorex v. IBM was tried in 1978 in San Francisco, and that case was also dismissed by the judge. Transamerica Computer Corporation v. IBM went to trial in 1978 in San Francisco.

From the guide to the Computer and Communications Industry Association collection of antitrust records, ca. 1940-1980, (University of Minnesota Libraries. Charles Babbage Institute. [cbi])



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Languages Used


Antitrust law

Antitrust law

Computer industry

Computer industry

Computer industry






Legal Statuses


United States

as recorded (not vetted)


Convention Declarations

General Contexts

Structure or Genealogies


Identity Constellation Identifier(s)
