1866, Jan. 15Born, Grafton, W.Va.1883Graduated, Notre Dame of Maryland Collegiate Division,
Govanstown, Md.18831885Student, Julien Art Academy, Paris, France18851888Student, Art Students' League (predecessor of Corcoran School
of Art), Washington, D.C.1889Received first camera as gift from George Eastman of Kodak
Corp.1890Student, photographic laboratory, Smithsonian Institution,
Washington, D.C.18911913Active in photographing Washington society and government
officials1900Awarded gold medal for work depicting American public school
systems, Paris Exposition, Paris, France 1909Received first architectural commission photographing the New
Theater, New York, N.Y.19131917In partnership with Mattie Edwards Hewitt, New York,
N.Y.1925Toured Europe and the Middle East, photographing gardens,
castles, chateaux1930Donated negatives from first architectural survey to Library
of Congress, helping form nucleus of Pictorial Archives of Early American
Architecture1933Awarded first of seven consecutive grants from Carnegie Corp.
to photograph colonial architecture in nine Southern States1941Published
The Early Architecture of North Carolina. Chapel
Hill : University of North Carolina Press1945Made honorary member of the American Institute of
Architects1947Major exhibit at Library of Congress1952, May 16Died, New Orleans, La.From the guide to the Frances Benjamin Johnston Papers, 1855-1956, (bulk 1890-1945), (Manuscript Division Library of Congress)