Kelly family

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Kelly family

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Kelly family


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Biographical History

Oregon pioneer John Kelly was born in Dublin, Ireland in 1818. Having learned his father's trade as a woolen goods manufacturer, Kelly emigrated to Canada in 1838 where he worked as a manager of a woolen mill. Two years later he moved to Vermont to pursue the same vocation. After a brief period as a seaman, Kelly settled in 1842 in Wisconsin where he established the Waterford Woolen Mills with George Hovey.

In 1848 Kelly responded to the call for volunteers to fight in the Mexican War and joined a Missouri regiment. He had a reputation as an intrepid scout and quickly gained the confidence of his superiors who assigned him to many important missions. In 1849 he was appointed wagon-master for the battalion of Colonel Loring which was headed to Fort Vancouver. Near Fort Hall Kelly left the command and traveled alone to Oregon City.

In 1850 Kelly contracted to supply a regiment of mounted riflemen with beef and formed a partnership with three men, including General Joseph Lane, to drive 300 head of cattle to California. On their way, they stopped in the Rogue River Valley to fatten the cattle at which time General Lane made his treaty with the Indians of the Rogue River Valley. While wintering in Tehama County, California, the three men mined for gold at Olney Creek. After delivery of the cattle in Scott Valley, California in the spring of 1851, Kelly returned to Oregon, bought 200 head of cattle for himself for farming and stock raising, and took up a land donation claim near Roseburg.

Kelly married Elizabeth Parker in 1853. In 1861, he was appointed Registrar of the United States Land Office, located in Roseburg. Five years later, Kelly moved to Springfield but could not be discharged from his government position in Roseburg. President Andrew Johnson insisted upon Kelly's release but the Senate refused to confirm a successor and the popular Kelly remained in the post until President Grant secured his discharge in 1869.

The Senate's action was indicative of Kelly's standing in the political arena. He was in communication with all the prominent figures of the Republican-Unionist party. He was a delegate at state Republican conventions from 1860 to 1866, in addition to serving on the Republican State Central Committee between 1876 and 1884. Kelly was appointed by President Chester A. Arthur in Special Collections Inventory 1882 to inspect the section of the Northern Pacific Railroad between Clark's Fork and Jacko. Later, in 1890, Kelly was appointed Superintendent of the Census of Oregon.

Kelly's business dealings, primarily farming, ranching, and land transactions, brought him considerable wealth. At one point he owned 100 acres near Springfield, 500 acres on Fall Creek, and 900 acres in the Mohawk Valley.

The Kellys were the parents of eight children: Mary, wife of H.B. Miller; Theresa (Frez), wife of L.G. Jackson; John; Marcella (Marcy), wife of Albert H. Tanner; Abraham; George; Bessie, wife of James Seavey; and Katie. Bessie married Seavey in 1905 and the couple had two children, Alexander and Marcella..

From the guide to the Kelly-Seavey Family papers, 1837-1951, (Special Collections and University Archives, University of Oregon Libraries)



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