George Donald Schlosser was born in Clinton County, Missouri in 1875. Maria Christina (Mary) Ogren was born in Jamestown, New York in 1885. They met while attending Greenville College in Illinois in 1905. George Schlosser left Greenville in 1906 to serve in South Africa under the Foreign Missionary Board of the Free Methodist Church. In 1908, he arrived in China and took responsibility for an orphanage in Kiangsu Province. After her graduation from Greenville College in 1909, Mary Ogren was stationed in Chengchow for Chinese language study. George and Mary Schlosser were married in 1911 and continued their work together in China until George's death in 1936. Mary returned to China twice after her husband's death, first from 1939-1940 and then from 1946-1949. In the years between her missionary work, she served as a pastor in North Dakota (1942-1944) and South Dakota (1951-1952). Mary Schlosser died in Kansas in 1955.
From the description of George and Mary Schlosser papers, 1906-1952 (inclusive). (Yale University). WorldCat record id: 7021820641875George Donald
Schlosser born in Clinton County, Missouri, son of John and Drusilla
Christina (Mary) Ogren born in Jamestown, New York, daughter of J. Peter and
Anna Maria Ogren18961898GDS
attended South Dakota Agricultural College.18981899GDS joined First South Dakota Infantry of U.S. Volunteers and saw action
in the Philippines.1905 JanGDS
entered Greenville College, a Free Methodist college in Greenville,
Illinois.1905 SepMCO
entered Greenville College, joined Student Volunteer Band, met GDS who was
Band's leader.1906 NovGDS left
Greenville to serve in South Africa under the Foreign Missionary Board of the
Free Methodist Church.1907GDS and MCO
engaged1907 fallGDS
received permission to switch his field from Africa to China, his first choice
and MCO's strong preference.1908 MarGDS
arrived in China, took responsibility for an orphanage in Tsing Kiang P'u,
Kiangsu Province. Orphanage was financed by
Christian Herald
magazine.1909MCO graduated
from Greenville College.1909 Dec1911 JanMCO stationed in Chengchow for language study.1911 Jan 13GDS and MCO married. Children: Frances, Mary Winifred, John,
Anabel. Frances later served as a nurse for Yale-in-China.1911Civil war forced evacuation of missionaries to Shanghai; GDS
returned to Tsing Kiang P'u for famine relief work.19141918Schlossers stationed in Kaifeng and Kihsien, Honan Province;
Mary was active in evangelistic work among women while George had
administrative as well as evangelistic duties.19181919Furlough in U.S.19191927Stationed in Kihsien, summers spent in Chikungshan19271928Furlough in U.S.19281936Stationed in Kihsien for one year, then in Jungtseh, Honan
Province1936 Dec 9GDS
died in St. Louis, Missouri, while family was on furlough.19391940MOS in China for one year before disruption of war caused her
return to U.S.19421944MOS
served as pastor of Free Methodist Church in Valley City, North Dakota.19461949MOS returned to China,
stationed first in Kaifeng and then in Chungking.19511952MOS served as pastor of church in Brookings, South
Dakota.1955 Apr 18MOS
died in Kansas.
For additional biographical information see: George and Mary Schlosser: Ambassadors for Christ in China by Frances Schlosser Scherer
From the guide to the George and Mary Schlosser Papers, 1901-1988, (Yale University Divinity School Library)