University of Rochester (Rochester, N.Y.). Chinese Students Association.
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University of Rochester (Rochester, N.Y.). Chinese Students Association.
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University of Rochester (Rochester, N.Y.). Chinese Students Association.
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Biographical History
The Chinese Students Association (CSA) originated at the University of Rochester in the 1970s. The group's advisor for the past two years has been Brenda Myrthil. The Association's government consists of a president, vice-president, business manager, secretary, and two publicity chairs. It has a board made up of one senator from each class, except the freshmen, who have two senators. They are elected annually every 2nd semester of the academic year. Henry Law is the current outgoing president; Katherine Dong is the incoming president. The CSA has meetings for the general membership every week to discuss and plan events.
The CSA has a regular, annual program of cultural, educational, and social events, in addition to other functions. The main cultural event is the dinner and cultural performance, China Nite, held around the Lunar New Year; China Nite is preceded by Awareness Week, which focuses on an issue selected that year. The main social event is the annual semiformal party. Originating out of the Association's celebrations of the Moon Dance, a mid-autumn festival, it has evolved into its current form. The semiformal also provides an opportunity to interact with other campus groups. This year it was co-sponsored with the Korean American Students Association.
The Association also has a commitment to community service. For several years, members have worked with the Rochester area's Families with Children from China, providing a big brother/big sister service for families with children adopted from China. The Association also participates in the Families with Children from China's annual Autumn Moon picnic in October. In addition, the CSA participates in the Rochester Chinese Association's ping-pong tournament.
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Chinese American celebrations
Chinese American students