Gellner, Ernest
Name Entries
Gellner, Ernest
Computed Name Heading
Name Components
Name :
Gellner, Ernest
Gellner, Ernest, 1925-1995
Computed Name Heading
Name Components
Name :
Gellner, Ernest, 1925-1995
Gellner, Ernest, 1926-1995
Computed Name Heading
Name Components
Name :
Gellner, Ernest, 1926-1995
Gellner, Ernest (Ernest André), 1925-1995
Computed Name Heading
Name Components
Name :
Gellner, Ernest (Ernest André), 1925-1995
Gellner, Ernest André, 1925-1995
Computed Name Heading
Name Components
Name :
Gellner, Ernest André, 1925-1995
Gellner, Ernest Andr, 1925-1995
Computed Name Heading
Name Components
Name :
Gellner, Ernest Andr, 1925-1995
Gelners, Ernests 1925-1995
Computed Name Heading
Name Components
Name :
Gelners, Ernests 1925-1995
Gellner, E. 1925-1995
Computed Name Heading
Name Components
Name :
Gellner, E. 1925-1995
Gelnŭr, Ŭrnest
Computed Name Heading
Name Components
Name :
Gelnŭr, Ŭrnest
Геллнер, Эрнест 1925-1995
Computed Name Heading
Name Components
Name :
Геллнер, Эрнест 1925-1995
Gellner, Arnošt 1925-1995
Computed Name Heading
Name Components
Name :
Gellner, Arnošt 1925-1995
Gellner, Ernest André 1925-1995
Computed Name Heading
Name Components
Name :
Gellner, Ernest André 1925-1995
Computed Name Heading
Name Components
Name :
Геллнер, Э. 1925-1995 (Эрнест),
Computed Name Heading
Name Components
Name :
Геллнер, Э. 1925-1995 (Эрнест),
Геллнер, Э 1925-1995
Computed Name Heading
Name Components
Name :
Геллнер, Э 1925-1995
ゲルナー, アーネスト
Computed Name Heading
Name Components
Name :
ゲルナー, アーネスト
Gellner, Ernst
Computed Name Heading
Name Components
Name :
Gellner, Ernst
Gelnŭr, Ŭrnest
Computed Name Heading
Name Components
Name :
Gelnŭr, Ŭrnest
Exist Dates
Biographical History
Born 1925; educated Prague English Grammar School, St Albans County School, and Balliol Coll., Oxford University; Private, Czechoslovakian Armoured Brigade, BLA, 1944-45; on staff of London School of Economics, 1949-84, where he received a PhD in Social Anthropology, 1961, and became Professor of Philosophy, 1962-84; Visiting Fellow at Harvard, 1952-53; Co-editor of European Journal of Sociology , 1966-84, and Government and Opposition , 1980; Visiting Fellow, University of California, Berkeley, 1968; FBA, 1974; Visiting Fellow, Centre de Recherches et d'Etudes sur les Socits Mditerranens, Aix-en-Provence, 1978-79; Member of the Council, Social Science Research Council (later Economic and Social Research Council), 1980-86 (Chairman, International Activities Committee, 1982-84); Member of Council, British Academy, 1981-84; Visiting Scholar, Institute of Advanced Studies, Tel Aviv University, 1982; William Wyse Professor of Social Anthropology, Cambridge University, 1984-93; Professorial Fellow, 1984-1992, and Supernumerary Fellow, 1992-1995, King's College, Cambridge University; Honorary Fellow, LSE, 1986; Guest of Academy of Sciences of USSR, Moscow, 1988-89; Honorary Member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1988; President, Royal Anthropological Institute, 1991-94; First President, Society for Moroccan Studies, 1990-[1995]; Tanner Lecturer, Harvard University, 1990; Member, American Philosophical Society, 1992; FRSA, 1992; Member, Academia Scientiarum et Artium Europaea, Salzburg, 1993; Resident Professor, and Director, Centre for Study of Nationalism, Central European University, Prague, 1993-[1995]; Visiting Lecturer, Center for European Studies, Harvard University, 1994; Erasmus Visiting Professor, Warsaw University, 1995; Member of Senate, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, 1994-[1995]; Member, Editorial or Advisory Boards for the British Journal of Sociology , the American Journal of Sociology , Inquiry , Middle Eastern Studies , Journal of Peasant Studies , Society and Theory , Government and Opposition , Philosophy of the Social Sciences , Cambridge Archaeological Journal , Journal of Mediterranean Studies , Third World Review , Nations and Nationalism , Anthropology and Archaeology of Eurasia , Sociological Papers , Moderniyzzazio e Sviluppo ; died 1995. Publications: Cause and meaning in the social sciences (Routledge and Kegan Paul, London 1973); Contemporary thought and politics (Routledge and Kegan Paul, London, 1973); Legitimation of belief (Cambridge University Press, 1974); Options of belief (South Place Ethical Society, London, 1975); Saints of the Atlas (Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London, 1969); The devil in modern philosophy (Routledge and Kegan Paul, London, 1974); Thought and change (Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London, 1964); Words and things: a critical account of linguistic philosophy and a study in ideology (Victor Gollancz, London, 1959); editor of Arabs and Berbers: from tribe to nation in North Africa (Duckworth, London, 1973); editor of Populism: its meanings and national characteristics (Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London, 1969); editor of The nature of human society (Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London, 1962); Language and solitude: Wittgenstein, Malinowski and the Hapsburg dilemma (Cambridge University Press, 1998); Nationalism (Weidenfeld and Nicolson, London, 1997); Encounters with nationalism (Blackwell, Oxford, 1994); Anthropology and politics: revolutions in the sacred grove (Blackwell, Oxford, 1995); Liberalism in modern times: essays in honour of Jos Merquior (Central European University Press, Budapest and London, 1996); Conditions of liberty: civil society and its rivals (Hamish Hamilton, London, 1994); The psychoanalytic movement: the cunning of unreason (Granada, London, 1985); Postmodernism, reason and religion (Routledge, New York and London,, 1992); Reason and culture: the historic role of rationality and rationalism (Blackwell, Oxford, 1992); The concept of kinship, and other essays on anthropological method and explanation (Blackwell, Oxford, 1987); Nations and nationalism (Blackwell, Oxford, 1983); Culture, identity and politics (Cambridge University Press, 1987); Relativism and the social sciences (Cambridge University Press, 1979); Spectacles and predicaments: essays in social theory (Cambridge University Press, 1979); Muslim society (Cambridge University Press, 1981); Transition to modernity: essays on power, wealth and belief (Cambridge University Press, 1992); State and society in Soviet thought (Blackwell, Oxford, 1988); Plough, sword and book: the structure of human history (Collins Harvill, 1988); editor of Islamic dilemmas: reformers, nationalists and industrialisation (Mouton, Berlin, 1985); editor of Soviet and Western anthropology (Duckworth, London, 1980); editor of Patrons and clients in Mediterranean societies (Duckworth, London, 1977).
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Ancient religions
Legal Statuses
Czech Republic Eastern Europe
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Morocco North Africa
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Prague Czechoslovakia Eastern Europe
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as recorded (not vetted)
Russia Eastern Europe
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