Green Party of New Mexico

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Green Party of New Mexico

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Name :

Green Party of New Mexico

New Mexico Green Party

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Name :

New Mexico Green Party


Exist Dates

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active 1987



active 2002


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Biographical History

The Green Party of New Mexico is a statewide political group that was formed between 1990 and 1992. Like the world-wide Green political movement, the New Mexico Green Party has its roots in democratic, social and ecological principles and professes as its motto "a politics based on values." Born out of the disillusionment over the Democratic and Republican Parties - whom Green Party founders and current members believe were and continue to be corrupted by corporate interests - the Green Party of New Mexico dedicated itself to following a grassroots model in hopes of creating economic and political renewal. As part of its platform, the Green Party looks to change the way the government operates by introducing alternative, independent politics that focus on empowering citizens and communities, eliminating corporate control of government policies, and protecting the environment. Thus "value-based politics" represent the New Mexico Green Party's ten key values outlined in the platform and are placed in contrast to politics of exploitation, consumption, and non-sustainable competition, which New Mexico Greens associate with Democratic and Republican Party principles. The New Mexico Green Party shares core values with the National Green Party and has in its short history worked with the national organization on major presidential elections. However, founders consider New Mexico's Green Party to be an autonomous entity not bound by decisions of Greens outside of New Mexico, thus allowing for political concentrations on the concerns and needs specific to New Mexico. In 1994 the Green Party left its first triumphant mark on New Mexico by gaining its major party status. Former democrat and Lt. Governor, Roberto Mondragón switched his political affiliation to Green and ran for Governor of New Mexico on the Green Party ticket alongside Green Lt. Governor candidate Steven Schmidt. Together, they won 10.4% of votes, an accomplishment that granted the New Mexico Green Party political status equal to that of the Democratic and Republican Parties and placed the New Mexico Green Party on the national political map. The Green Party provided an alternate choice for frustrated voters while also inciting fear in democratic leaders who blamed Mondragón and every other Green thereafter for stealing votes from democrats, resulting in the loss of democratic seats to republicans. The success that the 1994 campaigns brought the New Mexico Green Party allowed its members to launch their political agendas in full force in 1996, as Bob Anderson ran for New Mexico State Representative, Jack Urich for U.S. House of Representatives, and Abraham Gutmann and Sam Hitt for U.S. Senate. The key issues highlighting the New Mexico Green Party's strengths and struggles were economic rights and sustainability, the livable wage campaign, and restructuring the educational system. Less in the spotlight at this time but equally important to the candidates were limiting campaign donations, instant runoff voting, and reforming the health care system. The 1997 and 1998 campaigns exposed the internal and external difficulties members faced while trying to reach out to voters, gain public support, and build an electoral base. The effects of being pegged as electoral spoilers became real and challenging as several socially progressive and environmental organizations, as well as the media joined democrats in speaking out against Green Party candidates in an attempt to discredit their political agendas and silence them. This became evident in the media coverage Bob Anderson received in his 1998 congressional campaign against republican incumbent Heather Wilson and democrat Phil Maloof. Negative campaigning also reared its ugly head in Green Party rebuttals and attacks on democratic candidates, and the Democratic Party in general. Internal struggles and conflicts reveal the difficulties in building a political party, especially one positing itself as "the party of the people," priding itself in its grassroots platform. The New Mexico Green Party has, from its inception, encountered conflicts between Party ideals and the reality of New Mexico communities. For example, the "spoiler party" debate is consistently present within the Green Party itself.

During the 1997 congressional election, founding member Abraham Gutmann elected to endorse democrat Tom Udall instead of fellow Green, Carol Miller, stating that he did not believe Carol Miller could win and the Green Party must be selective in choosing their battles. He maintained that this particular battle would be best left to the democrats. Carol Miller countered that democrats were losing votes as a result of their failure to connect with and keep their constituents and that blaming the Green Party was symptomatic of the democrats' refusal to take responsibility for their failures. Furthermore, when addressing social justice and environmental concerns, Greens were challenged with the conflict between their commitment to environmental protections and the needs of northern New Mexico Hispanic communities relying on cattle ranching and logging for their livelihoods. These situations illuminated the ethnic, cultural and educational differences between the predominantly Anglo representatives and rural New Mexico Hispanic communities. The incongruity between Green Party beliefs about environmental safety and cultural and economic practices of rural sectors of New Mexico were unforeseen to Green Party members and to this day, the New Mexico Green Party is trying to find a balance between the environment and community needs. 1996 was an equally important year for the National Green Party. Their presidential candidate, Ralph Nader, focused his campaign on corporate wealth, the disempowerment of citizens, and destruction of the environment. These issues become more nuanced during the 2000 presidential election as Ralph Nader built his campaign on the importance of civic participation and the weakening of democracy as a result of the concentration of wealth in the hands of a few. The New Mexico Green Party took a leading role in the Nader 2000 campaign, actively campaigning for him statewide, fundraising, and hosting the National Convention. During the 2000 campaign, New Mexico for a People's President was formed, which concentrated solely on the presidential campaign and networking with the national Green Party. Green vice-presidential candidate, Winona LaDuke also addressed certain issues that are at the heart of Green Party values, mainly environmental policies and their impact on poor communities, especially Native American reservations, as well as their impact on women. However, her presence and concerns took more of a backstage role in the two presidential campaigns as media coverage concentrated on Ralph Nader and the impact of a third party candidate on the elections.

From the description of Green Party of New Mexico records 1987-2002 (bulk 1994-2000) (University of New Mexico-Main Campus). WorldCat record id: 67709128

New Mexico Green Party Campaign Button used between 1998-2000. (Box 7).

The Green Party of New Mexico is a statewide political group that was formed between 1990 and 1992. Like the world-wide Green political movement, the New Mexico Green Party has its roots in democratic, social and ecological principles and professes as its motto "a politics based on values." Born out of the disillusionment over the Democratic and Republican Parties - whom Green Party founders and current members believe were and continue to be corrupted by corporate interests - the Green Party of New Mexico dedicated itself to following a grassroots model in hopes of creating economic and political renewal. As part of its platform, the Green Party looks to change the way the government operates by introducing alternative, independent politics that focus on empowering citizens and communities, eliminating corporate control of government policies, and protecting the environment. Thus "value-based politics" represents the ten key values outlined in the New Mexico Green Party's platform, in contrast with politics of exploitation, consumption, and non-sustainable competition, which New Mexico Greens associate with Democratic and Republican Party principles.

The New Mexico Green Party shares core values with the National Green Party and has in its short history worked with the national organization on major presidential elections. However, founders consider New Mexico's Green Party to be an autonomous entity not bound by decisions of Greens outside of New Mexico, thus allowing for political concentrations on the concerns and needs specific to New Mexico.

In 1994 the Green Party left its first triumphant mark on New Mexico by gaining major party status. Former democrat and Lt. Governor, Roberto Mondragón switched his political affiliation to Green and ran for Governor of New Mexico on the Green Party ticket alongside Green Lt. Governor candidate Steven Schmidt. Together, they won 10.4% of votes, an accomplishment that granted the New Mexico Green Party political status equal to that of the Democratic and Republican Parties and placed the New Mexico Green Party on the national political map. The Green Party provided an alternate choice for frustrated voters while also inciting fear in democratic leaders who blamed Mondragón and every other Green thereafter for stealing votes from democrats, resulting in the loss of democratic seats to republicans

The success that the 1994 campaigns brought the New Mexico Green Party allowed its members to launch their political agendas in full force in 1996, as Bob Anderson ran for New Mexico State Representative, Jack Urich for U.S. House of Representatives, and Abraham Gutmann and Sam Hitt for U.S. Senate. The key issues highlighting the New Mexico Green Party's strengths and struggles were economic rights and sustainability, the livable wage campaign, and restructuring the educational system. Less in the spotlight at this time but equally important to the candidates were limiting campaign donations, instant runoff voting, and reforming the health care system.

The 1997 and 1998 campaigns exposed the internal and external difficulties members faced while trying to reach out to voters, gain public support, and build an electoral base. The effects of being pegged as electoral spoilers became real and challenging as several socially progressive and environmental organizations, as well as the media joined democrats in speaking out against Green Party candidates in an attempt to discredit their political agendas and silence them. This became evident in the media coverage Bob Anderson received in his 1998 congressional campaign against republican incumbent Heather Wilson and democrat Phil Maloof. Negative campaigning also reared its ugly head in Green Party rebuttals and attacks on democratic candidates, and the Democratic Party in general.

Internal struggles and conflicts reveal the difficulties in building a political party, especially one positing itself as "the party of the people," priding itself in its grassroots platform. The New Mexico Green Party has, from its inception, encountered conflicts between Party ideals and the reality of New Mexico communities. For example, the "spoiler party" debate is consistently present within the Green Party itself. During the 1997 congressional election, founding member Abraham Gutmann elected to endorse democrat Tom Udall instead of fellow Green, Carol Miller, stating that he did not believe Carol Miller could win and the Green Party must be selective in choosing their battles. He maintained that this particular battle would be best left to the democrats. Carol Miller countered that democrats were losing votes as a result of their failure to connect with and keep their constituents and that blaming the Green Party was symptomatic of the democrats' refusal to take responsibility for their failures.

Furthermore, when addressing social justice and environmental concerns, Greens were challenged with the conflict between their commitment to environmental protections and the needs of northern New Mexico Hispanic communities relying on cattle ranching and logging for their livelihoods. These situations illuminated the ethnic, cultural and educational differences between the predominantly Anglo representatives and rural New Mexico Hispanic communities. The incongruity between Green Party beliefs about environmental safety and cultural and economic practices of rural sectors of New Mexico were unforeseen to Green Party members and to this day, the New Mexico Green Party is trying to find a balance between the environment and community needs.

1996 was an equally important year for the National Green Party. Their presidential candidate, Ralph Nader, focused his campaign on corporate wealth, the disempowerment of citizens, and destruction of the environment. These issues become more nuanced during the 2000 presidential election as Ralph Nader built his campaign on the importance of civic participation and the weakening of democracy as a result of the concentration of wealth in the hands of a few. The New Mexico Green Party took a leading role in the Nader 2000 campaign, actively campaigning for him statewide, fundraising, and hosting the national convention. During the 2000 campaign, New Mexico for a People's President was formed, which concentrated solely on the presidential campaign and networking with the National Green Party.

Green vice-presidential candidate, Winona LaDuke also addressed certain issues that are at the heart of Green Party values, mainly environmental policies and their impact on poor communities, especially Native American reservations, as well as their impact on women. However, her presence and concerns took more of a backstage role in the two presidential campaigns as media coverage concentrated on Ralph Nader and the impact of a third party candidate on the elections.

From the guide to the Green Party of New Mexico records, 1987-2002, (bulk 1994-2000), (Center for Southwest Research, University of New Mexico.)



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Political campaigns

Political campaigns

Environmental policy

Environmental protection

Green movement

Green movement

Minimum wage

Minimum wage

New Mexico

Political parties

Political parties

Social justice




Legal Statuses


New Mexico

as recorded (not vetted)


New Mexico

as recorded (not vetted)


Convention Declarations


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