Knox, Ronald Arbuthnott, 1888-1957
Name Entries
Knox, Ronald Arbuthnott, 1888-1957
Name Components
Name :
Knox, Ronald Arbuthnott, 1888-1957
Knox, Ronald A. (Ronald Arbuthnott), 1888-1957
Name Components
Name :
Knox, Ronald A. (Ronald Arbuthnott), 1888-1957
Knox, Ronald Arbuthnott
Name Components
Name :
Knox, Ronald Arbuthnott
Knox, Ronald
Name Components
Name :
Knox, Ronald
Knox, Ronald, 1888-1957
Name Components
Name :
Knox, Ronald, 1888-1957
Knox, Ronald Arburthnott, 1888-1957
Name Components
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Knox, Ronald Arburthnott, 1888-1957
Knox, Ronald Arbuthnott, sac. 1888-1957
Name Components
Name :
Knox, Ronald Arbuthnott, sac. 1888-1957
Knox, Ronald Arburthnott
Name Components
Name :
Knox, Ronald Arburthnott
ノックス, ロナルド・アーバスノット
Name Components
Name :
ノックス, ロナルド・アーバスノット
K., R. A. 1888-1957 (Ronald Arbuthnott Knox),
Name Components
Name :
K., R. A. 1888-1957 (Ronald Arbuthnott Knox),
Knox, Ronald Arbuthnott Hilary
Name Components
Name :
Knox, Ronald Arbuthnott Hilary
R. A. K
Name Components
Name :
R. A. K
Arbuthnott Knox, Ronald 1888-1957
Name Components
Name :
Arbuthnott Knox, Ronald 1888-1957
K., R. A.
Name Components
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K., R. A.
Absolute and Abitofhell, Author of 1888-1957
Name Components
Name :
Absolute and Abitofhell, Author of 1888-1957
Knox, Ronald A. 1888-1957 (Ronald Arbuthnott),
Name Components
Name :
Knox, Ronald A. 1888-1957 (Ronald Arbuthnott),
Knox, R. A. 1888-1957
Name Components
Name :
Knox, R. A. 1888-1957
Knox, Ronald A.
Name Components
Name :
Knox, Ronald A.
Knox, R. A. Hilary 1888-1957
Name Components
Name :
Knox, R. A. Hilary 1888-1957
K., R.A., 1888-1957
Name Components
Name :
K., R.A., 1888-1957
Knox, R. A. 1888-1957 (Ronald Arbuthnott),
Name Components
Name :
Knox, R. A. 1888-1957 (Ronald Arbuthnott),
R. A. K 1888-1957
Name Components
Name :
R. A. K 1888-1957
Knox, R. A. Hilary 1888-1957 (Ronald Arbuthnott Hilary),
Name Components
Name :
Knox, R. A. Hilary 1888-1957 (Ronald Arbuthnott Hilary),
ノックス, ロナルド・A
Name Components
Name :
ノックス, ロナルド・A
Knox Ronaldus Arbuthnott 1888-1957
Name Components
Name :
Knox Ronaldus Arbuthnott 1888-1957
Knox, Ronald A. 1888-1957
Name Components
Name :
Knox, Ronald A. 1888-1957
Knox, R. A.
Name Components
Name :
Knox, R. A.
R. A. K 1888-1957 (Ronald Arbuthnott Knox),
Name Components
Name :
R. A. K 1888-1957 (Ronald Arbuthnott Knox),
Author of Absolute and Abitofhell, 1888-1957
Name Components
Name :
Author of Absolute and Abitofhell, 1888-1957
Exist Dates
Biographical History
Ronald A. Knox was born in Knibworth, Leicestershire on Feb. 17, 1888 to Ellen Penelope French and Rev. Edmund Arbuthnott Knox. He completed his formal education at Eton College and Balliol College, Oxford in 1910. He was appointed chaplain at Trinity College in 1912, but left in 1917 when he converted to Roman Catholicism. He served as Roman Catholic chaplain to the university from 1926-1939 and was appointed as a prelate by the pope in 1936. He was a prolific writer, writing both religious commentaries and texts and literary commentaries and works. He translated the St. Jerome Latin Vulgate Bible into English, as well as the Old and New Testaments in 1944 and 1945 respectively. Among his religious articles are The belief of Catholics and A spiritual Aeneid. Although he wrote only six novels, including The viaduct murder and The footsteps at the Lock, his writings are well known and he was a prominent member of the Detection Club.
English Catholic priest, scholar, and author.
Knox was educated at Eton and Oxford. He converted to Catholicism and served as Catholic chaplain at Oxford from 1926 to 1939. He published a new translation of the Bible, essays, detective stories, and other works.
Biography / Administrative History
Ronald A. Knox was born in Knibworth, Leicestershire on February 17, 1888 to Ellen Penelope French and the Reverend Edmund Arbuthnott Knox. After completing his formal education at Eton College and Balliol College, Oxford in 1910, Monsignor Knox was appointed as chaplain at Trinity College. Later in 1917, Ronald Knox converted to Roman Catholicism. He served as a chaplain at the University of Oxford and was later appointed as a prelate by the Pope in 1936. Monsignor Knox was a prolific writer both in religious commentaries and texts as well as literature. He translated the St. Jerome Latin Vulgate Bible into English as well as the Old and New Testatment in 1944 and 1945 respectively. He wrote a number of articles with religious themes such as The Belief of Catholics and A Spiritual Aenied. Although he only wrote six novels such as the Viaduct Murder and the Footsteps at the Lock, his writings are well known and he was a prominent member of the Detection Club.
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Languages Used
Authors, English
Catholic Church
Religious thought
Religious thought
Satire, English
Sermons, English
Trinity College (Dublin, Ireland). Chapel
University of Oxford
Legal Statuses
Oxford (England)
Great Britain
Convention Declarations